2.1 Overview and Objectives

Continuing Education Option
Developing Profiles and Supported Needs Statement
Overview and Objectives, Lesson 2. Section 1 



In Lesson 1 you identified and compared your growth needs and strengths by completing the Self-Assessment Questionnaire and creating a CEO vision, the first component of the CEO Plan.

In this lesson, you will develop two of the eight components of the CEO Plan:

  • Profiles: Teacher, School, and Community

  • Teacher and School Needs Statements

The profiles, describing your teaching history, your school and your community, provide the setting for the remaining CEO Plan components, the instructional unit based on action research, Leadership Project, graduate courses, and the submitted CEO Portfolio.

Using demographic research and measurable data, you will determine teacher and school needs in the three required areas of:

(1) Instructional Content
(2) Instructional Strategies
(3) Leadership Skills

Once the needs are established in the three required areas, you will begin to develop goals and objectives for your CEO Plan (Lesson 3).

By the end of this lesson you should be able to:

  • List and describe the three types of profiles (teacher, school, and community) utilizing demographic research data.
  • Utilize measurable data to identify and develop school needs in instructional content, instructional strategies, and leadership skills.
  • Identify and develop teacher needs in instructional content, instructional strategies, and leadership skills by aligning these needs to your CEO vision.
  • Develop needs statements connecting the three teacher and school instructional needs.
  • Identify a leadership project based upon established needs of the students/school/district.
  • Identify graduate courses that best align with the CEO Plan.
Last modified: Tuesday, May 22, 2018, 11:57 AM