2.5 Developing Needs Statements

Education Option
Developing Profiles and Supported Needs Statements
Drafting Needs Statements, Lesson 2. Section 5

Developing Three Needs Statements:  A Tutorial

By using various data sources you will begin developing your needs statements.  Use the table below as your guide before completing the templates in Assignment B.


Developing Three Needs Statements: A Tutorial


Writing the Instructional Content Needs Statement




A candidate should start with assessment data in one content area where the minimum percentage of students achieved a high level score.

1. Only 20% of the fifth-grade students at Greystone Elementary scored at or above proficiency in math.

Source:  Kentucky Performance Report


A candidate should identify a sub-domain that falls below the state mean for both the candidate and the students.

2.  Our students fall below the state average by 25% in the sub-domain of probability and statistics.

Source - Kentucky Performance Report


A candidate should give two specific reasons identifying the gap in scores.

3.  Based on a needs survey conducted by our curriculum committee, probability and statistics is not being taught consistently to our students.


4.  Based on a review of curriculum maps, only 1 out of 4 of our teachers provided evidence that probability and statistics were taught prior to the state assessments.

Source – Consolidated Plan, SBDM minutes, school surveys, candidate-made surveys.


A candidate should link the students’ learning gap and the school’s assessment back to the needs.

5.  Based on a needs survey, 100% of our teachers had a low comfort level in understanding and teaching probability and statistics


6.  Based on a needs survey, prior and current professional development did not include instruction in probability and statistics to 80% of our staff

Source - CEO Professional Development Inventory


A candidate should use language that aligns data to the needs statement.

Increase content knowledge, instruction, and application are needed in the area of probability and statistics through professional development and instructional activities.



A Sample Instructional Content Needs Statement:

Increased content knowledge, instruction, and application are needed in the area of probability and statistics.

Evidence of Need: 

  1. Only 20% of the fifth-grade students at Greystone Elementary scored at or above proficiency in math.

  2. Our students fall below the state average by 25% in the sub-domain of probability and statistics.

  3. Based on a needs survey conducted by our curriculum committee, probability and statistics are not being taught consistently to our students.

  4. Based on a review of curriculum maps, only 1 out of 4 of our teachers provided evidence that probability and statistics was taught prior to the state assessments.

  5. Based on a needs survey, 100% of our teachers had a low comfort level in understanding and teaching probability and statistics

  6. Based on a needs survey, prior and current professional development did not include instruction in probability and statistics to 80% of our staff.



Writing the Instructional Strategy Needs Statement




A candidate should start with student survey data that supports the idea for a major change in instruction.

1.  Based upon a student survey, only 20% of the fifth-grade students at Greystone Elementary report using a computer more than once per week.

Source – CATS Student Survey Data


Based on data, a candidate should give two or more reasons why this has occurred.

2.  Based upon a teacher survey, 100% of the fifth-grade teachers report the use of computers for individual word processing in a computer lab once per week.


3.       3. My classroom computer is used only once per day for 20 minutes as a recess activity.


4.         4. The district professional development initiatives do not address instructional strategies for use of technology for both students and teachers.


Source - Teacher-made survey



A candidate should identify two or more activities that align to a student need and to the candidate’s knowledge and skill.

5.  Professional development in the use of technology in the classroom for small and large group inquiry, data analysis, and word processing are needed for my personal growth.


6.  Professional development in instructional use, student generated individual learning projects, and assessments through technology are needed for my personal growth.






Source – CEO Professional Development Inventory



A candidate should make a final statement summarizing why his or her need and the students’ content needs are the same.

Increased use and application of technology by the teacher and students are needed to improve student motivation and retention of concepts taught.



  A Sample Instructional Strategy Needs Statement

 Increased use and application of technology by the teacher and students are needed to improve student motivation and retention of concepts taught.

 Evidence of Need:

  1. Based upon a student survey, only 20% of the fifth-grade students at Greystone Elementary report using a computer more than once per week.
  2. Based upon a teacher survey, 100% of the fifth-grade teachers report the use of computers for individual word processing in a computer lab once per week.
  3. My classroom computer is used only once per day for 20 minutes as a recess activity.
  4. The district professional development initiatives do not address the instructional needs of my students through the use of technology.
  5. Professional development in the use of technology in the classroom for small and large group inquiry, data analysis, and word processing are needed for my personal growth.
  6. Professional development in instructional use, student generated individual learning projects, and assessments through technology are needed for my personal growth.





 Writing the Leadership Skill Needs Statement







A candidate should start with assessment data that indicates the need for a leadership project to address student needs.

1.  Based on our assessment data only 30% and 25% of our students are at proficiency in math and science, respectively.

2.  Based on our assessment data, our free and reduced rate and African American males represent 30% in the novice range in both math and science.

Source – CATS Student Survey Data


A candidate should provide convincing evidence to the need of the leadership project to address teacher needs.

3.  Based on a needs survey, 20% of our staff report having common planning time during the school day.

4.  Based on a needs survey, 0% or our staff reported using after school staff meetings to analyze student data.  100% reported staff meetings included items that could have been sent via email.


Source - Teacher-made survey



A candidate should describe the type of training that will be required to implement the leadership project idea.

5.  Based on a needs survey, 0% of our staff had any training on developing professional learning communities.

6.  Based on a needs survey 85% or our staff indicated they wanted training in developing a system to address gaps in student learning.


Source – CEO Professional Development Inventory



A candidate should make a final needs statement that addresses the leadership project idea.

In order to meet the needs of our students, our staff needs to work in a collaborative model by developing a learning community that analyzes student data that informs and changes our instructional practices.



A Sample Leadership Skill  Needs Statement

In order to meet the needs of our students, our staff needs to work in a collaborative model by developing a learning community that analyzes student data that informs and changes our instructional practices.

Evidence of Need:

  1. Based on our assessment data only 30% and 25% of our students are at proficiency in math and science, respectively.
  2. Based on our assessment data, our free and reduced rate and African American males represent 30% in the novice range in both math and science.
  3. Based on a needs survey, 20% of our staff report having common planning time during the school day.
  4. Based on a needs survey, 0% or our staff reported using after school staff meetings to analyze student data.  100% reported staff meetings included items that could have been sent via email. 
  5. Based on a needs survey, 0% of our staff had any training on developing professional learning communities.
  6. Based on a needs survey 85% or our staff indicated they wanted training in developing a system to address gaps in student learning.

Last modified: Tuesday, May 22, 2018, 12:11 PM