Cooperating Teacher Training - Part B Video Link

Welcome to Part B of the required cooperating teacher training mandated in 16 KAR 5:040. The following training video is designed to help prepare you for your supervisory role with an introduction to the best practices when supporting a student teacher.

 Supportive document - Co-Teaching Part B Training Video PowerPoint (Please click the "save" option when prompted, then select "open".)

After completion of the video:

You must send an email to the coordinator at the university with which you are associated that includes the information requested below. Contact information for the coordinator can be found at:

Your message must include both:

  • a statement verifying that you have reviewed all the material in the training module. The statement may be as simple as: “I am writing to verify that I have reviewed all the material in this training module”.
  • a brief narrative describing at least one idea gleaned from the training module to use when supervising student teachers.

Please note: Once you have confirmed the completion of this training, the EPP will uploaded your training for Part B into the KECS system. You may also receive a certificate from the EPP coordinator with whom you are associated.

Last modified: Thursday, December 19, 2024, 10:00 AM