Research Reports and Survey Results

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Educator Preparation
Data Dashboard

The Data Dashboard provides statistics about Kentucky Initial Teacher Preparation Programs and Certification Areas.

Data Dashboard
Educator Preparation
Teacher Preparation Feedback Report

The Teacher preparation Feedback Report (TPFR) is produced for all in-state 4-year public and independent colleges and universities by the Kentucky Center for Statistics (KYSTATS), utilizing data from the Kentucky Longitudinal Data System (KLDS), specifically data from the Education Professional Standards Board (EPSB) and the Kentucky Department of Education (KDE).

Teacher Preparation Feedback Report
2009 Principal Effectiveness: A New Principalship to Drive Student Achievement, Teacher Effectiveness, and School Turnarounds
"In increasing numbers of individual schools across the country, a new kind of principalship is taking hold and producing well-documented breakthrough results for children. This report uses findings from these schools and principals to inform a new definition of principal effectiveness. It makes recommendations for school leadership policies geared toward dramatically increasing the number of successful principals. These recommendations will contribute substantially to scalable improvements in both teacher effectiveness and the ability to turn around the nation's lowest-achieving schools."

Principal Effectiveness: A New Principalship to Drive Student Achievement, Teacher Effectiveness, and School Turnarounds
Educator Preparation
September 13, 2017 CCSSO Transforming Educator Preparation - Lessons Learned from Leading States
"Five years after the nation's state education chiefs committed to raising expectations and strengthening policies for teacher preparation, every state has taken action to ensure teachers are better prepared for our students. A small network of states has gone even farther, helping to push educator preparation to the forefront of policy agendas at the state level and nationally. Those states are now sharing lessons learned and successes to help other states prepare their educators to deliver for all students."

CCSSO Transforming Educator Preparation - Lessons Learned from Leading States
Educator Preparation
April 26, 2017 Understanding and Addressing Teacher Shortages in the United States
"While anecdotal accounts of substantial teacher shortages are increasingly common, we present evidence that such shortages are not a general phenomenon but rather are highly concentrated by subject (e.g., mathematics, science, and special education) and in schools (e.g., those serving disadvantaged students) where hiring and retaining teachers are chronic problems. The authors discuss several promising, complementary approaches for addressing teacher shortages."

Understanding and Addressing Teacher Shortages in the United States
February 2017 Reliability and Validity of the KTIP Assessment

This paper is the result of a request for analysis of the reliability and validity of the new PGES aligned KTIP IPR, first rolled out statewide during the 2015-2016 school year. Information about reliability and validity are necessary to assure that the instrument is an acceptably accurate measure, and that it, in fact, is principally a measure of intern performance. The IPR is currently used to determine whether interns will be recommended for professional certification. We also anticipate using the IPR in aggregate as a measure of provider performance in the KEPAS4 accountability system.

PDF document Reliability and Validity of the KTIP Assessment.pdf
Educator Preparation
July 2016 Accountability of Small Educator Preparation Programs Aug 2016

The present paper evaluates the nature and scope of the small-sample problem, and recommends some approaches to evaluating small programs. In section 1 we define what is meant by a “small program.” In section 2 we evaluate the extent of the problem in Kentucky. In section 3 we suggest some approaches to evaluating the performance of these programs.

PDF document Accountability of Small Educator Preparation Programs Aug 2016.pdf
Educator Preparation
2015-2016 New Teacher Survey 2015-16

The Kentucky Education Professional Standards Board (EPSB) New Teacher Survey is administered to gather data about the perception of the quality of the teacher certification programs in Kentucky and to gauge attitudes toward current institutional training. It is administered to principals, resource teachers, cooperating teachers, interns, and student teachers during Fall 2015 and Spring 2016.

PDF document New Teacher Survey Instructional Guide To Tableau.pdf
New Teacher Survey 2015-2016
November 2017 Toward a Coherent Kentucky Teacher Career Ladder
Numerous State experiments have demonstrated that reform of a teacher career ladder is difficult and should not be done lightly, because reform of any part of these systems requires reform or alignment of all elements of teacher compensation (Burns & Gardner, 2010; Cornett & Gaines 2002). We argue here that the difficulties of a comprehensive change in Kentucky’s existing teacher compensation system notwithstanding, we have sufficient reason to make such a change. The reasons for making a change at this time are: 

  1. The high and increasing cost of graduate education makes continuation of the existing step and lane system untenable. 
  2. Recent advances in what is known about teacher competencies imply a much more attractive approach to teacher compensation. 
  3. The results of teacher compensation experiments in other States provide considerable guidance both in avoiding known hazards, and identifying likely benefits, of teacher compensation policy options.

PDF document Toward a Coherent Kentucky Career Ladder.pdf
June 2002 New Teacher Survey 2001-2002

New Teacher Survey 2001-2002

PDF document NTS 2001-02 All Results.pdf
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