
6. Safety Educator Standards

Kentucky’s Safety Educator Standards for Preparation and Certification

  1. STANDARD I Creates conditions that promote and maintain a positive, safe, and healthy school culture, climate, and environment - The safety educator facilitates and coordinates efforts to provide a safe, healthy, and nurturing school climate to promote student learning.
    PERFORMANCE CRITERIA: The extent to which the safety educator:
      1.1 Demonstrates knowledge of research-based strategies and best practices that facilitate a safe, healthy, and nurturing school climate that promotes student learning.
      1.2 Demonstrates knowledge of and skills in facilitating positive interpersonal relationships.
      1.3 Demonstrates knowledge of and skills in identifying symptoms of stress, anger, and fear, as well as research-based positive intervention strategies.
      1.4 Demonstrates knowledge of and skills in positive techniques such as problem solving, verbal de-escalation, conflict resolution, and peer mediation.
      1.5 Demonstrates skills in addressing diversity, bullying, harassment, and discrimination issues.
      1.6 Demonstrates knowledge of and skills in developing, implementing and assessing a building safety and supervision plan that utilizes school personnel, parents, and community representatives.
      1.7 Demonstrates knowledge of and skills in identifying physical facility factors and high-risk areas.
      1.8 Demonstrates knowledge and appropriate use of detection/surveillance technology.
      1.9 Demonstrates knowledge of policies, procedures and educational alternatives to facilitate effective classroom, school, and district-wide behavior management.
      1.10 Demonstrates knowledge of appropriate strategies for the identification, assessment, and management of threats.
  2. STANDARD II Fosters positive individual development - The safety educator fosters positive individual development of students that contributes to a positive, safe, and healthy school culture, climate, and environment
    PERFORMANCE CRITERIA: The extent to which the safety educator:
      2.1 Applies knowledge of typical and atypical physical, socio-emotional, and cognitive development of P-12 students to promote a safe school environment.
      2.2 Demonstrates knowledge of resiliency and risk factors in providing appropriate prevention and intervention strategies.
      2.3 Collaborates with students, teachers, administrators, certified/classified support staff, and parents to facilitate the integration of school safety, violence prevention, and social skills training into the academic curriculum.
  3. STANDARD III Utilizes safe school assessment data - The safety educator utilizes data from a variety of sources to promote school safety.
    PERFORMANCE CRITERIA: The extent to which the safety educator:
      3.1 Demonstrates knowledge of and the ability to access multiple sources of school safety data such as the Kentucky Center for School Safety’s Safe Schools Annual Report, School Data Safety Project Report, Effective School Survey, KIDS Count Data, Dropout and Truancy Reports, CATS: Cognitive and Non-Cognitive Data, Safe School Surveys, Crisis Response Plan, Physical Plant Criteria such as OSHA and state regulations, Southern Association SACS, and State Agency Assessments
      3.2 Assists with the interpretation of cognitive and non-cognitive data to facilitate changes to support school safety for student learning.
      3.3 Reports data on school discipline practices related to race, gender, and disability.
      3.4 Uses appropriate school safety data in developing and implementing the school safety plan, including needs assessment, selection of research-based strategies, and program evaluation.
  4. STANDARD IV Coordinates crisis/emergency procedures and communication - The safety educator demonstrates the knowledge and skills to prevent crises and to appropriately implement crisis intervention and post-intervention plans under extremely stressful circumstances.
    PERFORMANCE CRITERIA: The extent to which the safety educator:
      4.1 Assists in the development of an emergency management plan that includes preparation, response, recovery, and communication.
      4.2 Establishes a trained multidisciplinary crisis response team based on a nationally accepted model (Critical Incident Stress Debriefing (CISD), National Organization for Victim Assistance (NOVA), or Red Cross) to develop an emergency/crisis response kit/box for each building, conduct school crisis drills, and plan for post-intervention activities.
      4.3 Establishes a trained mental health team to deliver psychological first-aid services following a crisis.
      4.4 Facilitates the training of school personnel, students, and community members in crisis prevention, response, and recovery.
      4.5 Accesses a network of community, state, and national crisis responders as necessary.
      4.6 Assists in crisis response assessment.
      4.7 Provides information to media and other appropriate audiences following a crisis.
      4.8 Maintains knowledge of current issues, research, laws, and regulations relating to crisis response.
  5. STANDARD V Possesses knowledge of policies and legal issues related to school safety - The safety educator demonstrates knowledge of current legal issues and professional responsibilities essential for safe schools.
    PERFORMANCE CRITERIA: The extent to which the safety educator:
      5.1 Demonstrates knowledge of civil and criminal law related to school safety.
      5.2 Demonstrates understanding of how district policies and codes of conduct support safety efforts and comply with local, state, and federal laws.
      5.3 Assists school personnel in addressing legal issues and professional responsibilities with regard to student behavior and school safety.
      5.4 Demonstrates knowledge of issues related to diversity, bullying, harassment, and discrimination.
      5.5 Demonstrates knowledge of appropriate and lawful information gathering procedures.
      5.6 Facilitates partnerships between law enforcement and school personnel.