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Site: Education Professional Standards Board
Site: Educator Preparation and Assessment
Book: Standards
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Date: Wednesday, February 19, 2025, 5:55 AM

1. Kentucky Teacher Performance Standards

Teacher Standards for Educator Preparation and Certification established June 30, 2018. These standards shall be used in the evaluation and assessment of a teacher for initial or advanced certification and for the accreditation of educator preparation providers.

  1. Standard 1. Learner development. The teacher shall understand how learners grow and develop, recognizing that patterns of learning and development vary individually within and across the cognitive, linguistic, social, emotional, and physical areas, and shall design and shall implement developmentally appropriate and challenging learning experiences.
  2. Standard 2. Learning differences. The teacher shall use the understanding of individual differences and diverse cultures and communities to ensure inclusive learning environments that enable each learner to meet high standards.
  3. Standard 3. Learning environments. The teacher shall work with others to create environments that:
    1. Support individual and collaborative learning; and
    2. Encourage positive social interaction, active engagement in learning, and self-motivation.
  4. Standard 4. Content knowledge. The teacher shall:
    1. Understand the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of the discipline he or she teaches; and
    2. Create learning experiences that make these aspects of the discipline accessible and meaningful for learners to assure mastery of the content.
  5. Standard 5. Application of content. The teacher shall understand how to connect concepts and use differing perspectives to engage learners in critical thinking, creativity, and collaborative problem solving related to authentic local and global issues.
  6. Standard 6. Assessment. The teacher shall understand and use multiple methods of assessment to engage learners in their own growth, to monitor learner progress, and to guide the educator’s and learner’s decision making.
  7. Standard 7. Planning for instruction. The teacher shall plan instruction that supports every student in meeting rigorous learning goals by drawing upon knowledge of content areas, curriculum, cross-disciplinary skills, and pedagogy, as well as knowledge of learners and the community context.
  8. Standard 8. Instructional strategies. The teacher shall understand and use and uses a variety of instructional strategies to encourage learners to develop deep understanding of content areas and their connections and to build skills to apply knowledge in meaningful ways.
  9. Standard 9. Professional learning and ethical practice. The teacher shall engage in ongoing professional learning, shall use evidence to continually evaluate his or her practice, particularly the effects of his or her choices and actions on others, such as learners, families, other professionals, and the community, and shall adapt practice to meet the needs of each learner.
  10. Standard 10. Leadership and collaboration. The teacher shall seek appropriate leadership roles and opportunities to:
    1. Take responsibility for student learning;
    2. Collaborate with learners, families, colleagues, other school professionals, and community members to ensure learner growth; and
    3. Advance the profession.

Please reference 16 KAR 5:010.

2. PSEL Standards

The Professional Standards for Educational Leaders 2015 are organized around the domains, qualities, and values of leadership work that research and practice indicate contribute to students’ academic success and well-being. Each Standard features a title and a statement that succinctly defines the work of effective educational leaders in that particular realm. A series of elements follow, which elaborate the work that is necessary to meet the Standard. The number of elements for each Standard varies in order to describe salient dimensions of the work involved. It does not imply relative importance of a particular Standard.

STANDARD 1. MISSION, VISION, and CORE VALUES: Effective educational leaders develop, advocate, and enact a shared mission, vision, and core values of high-quality education and academic success and well-being of each student.

  1. Develop an educational mission for the school to promote the academic success and well-being of each student.
  2. In collaboration with members of the school and the community and using relevant data, develop and promote a vision for the school on the successful learning and development of each child and on instructional and organizational practices that promote such success.
  3. Articulate, advocate, and cultivate core values that define the school’s culture and stress the imperative of child-centered education; high expectations and student support; equity, inclusiveness, and social justice; openness, caring, and trust; and continuous improvement.
  4. Strategically develop, implement, and evaluate actions to achieve the vision for the school.
  5. Review the school’s mission and vision and adjust them to changing expectations and opportunities for the school, and changing needs and situations of students.
  6. Develop shared understanding of and commitment to mission, vision, and core values within the school and the community.
  7. Model and pursue the school’s mission, vision, and core values in all aspects of leadership.

STANDARD 2. ETHICS and PROFESSIONAL NORMS: Effective educational leaders act ethically and according to professional norms to promote each student’s academic success and well-being.

  1. Act ethically and professionally in personal conduct, relationships with others, decision-making, stewardship of the school’s resources, and all aspects of school leadership.
  2. Act according to and promote the professional norms of integrity, fairness, transparency, trust, collaboration, perseverance, learning, and continuous improvement.
  3. Place children at the center of education and accept responsibility for each student’s academic success and well-being.
  4. Safeguard and promote the values of democracy, individual freedom and responsibility, equity, social justice, community, and diversity.
  5. Lead with interpersonal and communication skill, social-emotional insight, and understanding of all students’ and staff members’ backgrounds and cultures.
  6. Provide moral direction for the school and promote ethical and professional behavior among faculty and staff.

STANDARD 3. EQUITY and CULTURAL RESPONSIVENESS: Effective educational leaders strive for equity of educational opportunity and culturally responsive practices to promote each student’s academic success and well-being.

  1. Ensure that each student is treated fairly, respectfully, and with an understanding of each student’s culture and context.
  2. Recognize, respect, and employ each student’s strengths, diversity, and culture as assets for teaching and learning.
  3. Ensure that each student has equitable access to effective teachers, learning opportunities, academic and social support, and other resources necessary for success.
  4. Develop student policies and address student misconduct in a positive, fair, and unbiased manner.
  5. Confront and alter institutional biases of student marginalization, deficit-based schooling, and low expectations associated with race, class, culture and language, gender and sexual orientation, and disability or special status.
  6. Promote the preparation of students to live productively in and contribute to the diverse cultural contexts of a global society.
  7. Act with cultural competence and responsiveness in their interactions, decision making, and practice.
  8. Address matters of equity and cultural responsiveness in all aspects of leadership.

STANDARD 4. CURRICULUM, INSTRUCTION, and ASSESSMENT: Effective educational leaders develop and support intellectually rigorous and coherent systems of curriculum, instruction, and assessment to promote each student’s academic success and well-being.

  1. Implement coherent systems of curriculum, instruction, and assessment that promote the mission, vision, and core values of the school, embody high expectations for student learning, align with academic standards, and are culturally responsive.
  2. Align and focus systems of curriculum, instruction, and assessment within and across grade levels to promote student academic success, love of learning, the identities and habits of learners, and healthy sense of self.
  3. Promote instructional practice that is consistent with knowledge of child learning and development, effective pedagogy, and the needs of each student.
  4. Ensure instructional practice that is intellectually challenging, authentic to student experiences, recognizes student strengths, and is differentiated and personalized.
  5. Promote the effective use of technology in the service of teaching and learning.
  6. Employ valid assessments that are consistent with knowledge of child learning and development and technical standards of measurement.
  7. Use assessment data appropriately and within technical limitations to monitor student progress and improve instruction.

STANDARD 5. COMMUNITY of CARE and SUPPORT for STUDENTS: Effective educational leaders cultivate an inclusive, caring, and supportive school community that promotes the academic success and well-being of each student.

  1. Build and maintain a safe, caring, and healthy school environment that meets that the academic, social, emotional, and physical needs of each student.
  2. Create and sustain a school environment in which each student is known, accepted and valued, trusted and respected, cared for, and encouraged to be an active and responsible member of the school community.
  3. Provide coherent systems of academic and social supports, services, extracurricular activities, and accommodations to meet the range of learning needs of each student.
  4. Promote adult-student, student-peer, and school-community relationships that value and support academic learning and positive social and emotional development.
  5. Cultivate and reinforce student engagement in school and positive student conduct.
  6. Infuse the school’s learning environment with the cultures and languages of the school’s community.

STANDARD 6. PROFESSIONAL CAPACITY of SCHOOL PERSONNEL: Effective educational leaders develop the professional capacity and practice of school personnel to promote each student’s academic success and well-being.

  1. Recruit, hire, support, develop, and retain effective and caring teachers and other professional staff and form them into an educationally effective faculty.
  2. Plan for and manage staff turnover and succession, providing opportunities for effective induction and mentoring of new personnel.
  3. Develop teachers’ and staff members’ professional knowledge, skills, and practice through differentiated opportunities for learning and growth, guided by understanding of professional and adult learning and development.
  4. Foster continuous improvement of individual and collective instructional capacity to achieve outcomes envisioned for each student.
  5. Deliver actionable feedback about instruction and other professional practice through valid, research-anchored systems of supervision and evaluation to support the development of teachers’ and staff members’ knowledge, skills, and practice.
  6. Empower and motivate teachers and staff to the highest levels of professional practice and to continuous learning and improvement.
  7. Develop the capacity, opportunities, and support for teacher leadership and leadership from other members of the school community.
  8. Promote the personal and professional health, well-being, and work-life balance of faculty and staff.
  9. Tend to their own learning and effectiveness through reflection, study, and improvement, maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

STANDARD 7. PROFESSIONAL COMMUNITY for TEACHERS and STAFF: Effective educational leaders foster a professional community of teachers and other professional staff to promote each student’s academic success and well-being.

  1. Develop workplace conditions for teachers and other professional staff that promote effective professional development, practice, and student learning.
  2. Empower and entrust teachers and staff with collective responsibility for meeting the academic, social, emotional, and physical needs of each student, pursuant to the mission, vision, and core values of the school.
  3. Establish and sustain a professional culture of engagement and commitment to shared vision, goals, and objectives pertaining to the education of the whole child; high expectations for professional work; ethical and equitable practice; trust and open communication; collaboration, collective efficacy, and continuous individual and organizational learning and improvement.
  4. Promote mutual accountability among teachers and other professional staff for each student’s success and the effectiveness of the school as a whole.
  5. Develop and support open, productive, caring and trusting working relationships among leaders faculty and staff to promote professional capacity and the improvement of practice.
  6. Design and implement job-embedded and other opportunities for professional learning collaboratively with faculty and staff.
  7. Provide opportunities for collaborative examination of practice, collegial feedback, and collective learning.
  8. Encourage faculty-initiated improvement of programs and practices.

STANDARD 8. MEANINGFUL ENGAGEMENT of FAMILIES and COMMUNITY: Effective educational leaders engage families and the community in meaningful, reciprocal, and mutually beneficial ways to promote each student’s academic success and well-being.

  1. Are approachable, accessible, and welcoming to families and members of the community.
  2. Create and sustain positive, collaborative, and productive relationships with families and the community for the benefit of students.
  3. Engage in regular and open two-way communication with families and the community about the school, students, needs, problems, and accomplishments.
  4. Maintain a presence in the community to understand its strengths and needs, develop productive relationships, and engage its resources for the school.
  5. Create means for the school community to partner with families to support student learning in and out of school.
  6. Understand, value, and employ the community’s cultural, social, intellectual, and political resources to promote student learning and school improvement.
  7. Develop and provide the school as a resource for families and the community.
  8. Advocate for the school and district, and for the importance of education and student needs and priorities to families and the community.
  9. Advocate publicly for the needs and priorities of students, families, and the community.
  10. Build and sustain productive partnerships with public and private sectors to promote school improvement and student learning.

STANDARD 9. OPERATIONS and MANAGEMENT: Effective educational leaders manage school operations and resources to promote each student’s academic success and well-being.

  1. Institute, manage, and monitor operations and administrative systems that promote the mission and vision of the school.
  2. Strategically manage staff resources, assigning and scheduling teachers and staff to roles and responsibilities that optimize their professional capacity to address each student’s learning needs.
  3. Seek, acquire, and manage fiscal, physical, and other resources to support curriculum, instruction, and assessment; student learning community; professional capacity and community; and family and community engagement.
  4. Are responsible, ethical, and accountable stewards of the school’s monetary and nonmonetary resources, engaging in effective budgeting and accounting practices.
  5. Protect teachers’ and other staff members’ work and learning from disruption.
  6. Employ technology to improve the quality and efficiency of operations and management.
  7. Develop and maintain data and communication systems to deliver actionable information for classroom and school improvement.
  8. Know, comply with, and help the school community understand local, state, and federal laws, rights, policies, and regulations so as to promote student success.
  9. Develop and manage relationships with feeder and connecting schools for enrollment management and curricular and instructional articulation.
  10. Develop and manage productive relationships with the central office and school board.
  11. Develop and administer systems for fair and equitable management of conflict among students, faculty and staff, leaders, families, and community.
  12. Manage governance processes and internal and external politics toward achieving the school’s mission and vision.


  1. Seek to make school more effective for each student, teachers and staff, families, and the community.
  2. Use methods of continuous improvement to achieve the vision, fulfill the mission, and promote the core values of the school.
  3. Prepare the school and the community for improvement, promoting readiness, an imperative for improvement, instilling mutual commitment and accountability, and developing the knowledge, skills, and motivation to succeed in improvement.
  4. Engage others in an ongoing process of evidence-based inquiry, learning, strategic goal setting, planning, implementation, and evaluation for continuous school and classroom improvement.
  5. Employ situationally-appropriate strategies for improvement, including transformational and incremental, adaptive approaches and attention to different phases of implementation.
  6. Assess and develop the capacity of staff to assess the value and applicability of emerging educational trends and the findings of research for the school and its improvement.
  7. Develop technically appropriate systems of data collection, management, analysis, and use, connecting as needed to the district office and external partners for support in planning, implementation, monitoring, feedback, and evaluation.
  8. Adopt a systems perspective and promote coherence among improvement efforts and all aspects of school organization, programs, and services.
  9. Manage uncertainty, risk, competing initiatives, and politics of change with courage and perseverance, providing support and encouragement, and openly communicating the need for, process for, and outcomes of improvement efforts.
  10. Develop and promote leadership among teachers and staff for inquiry, experimentation and innovation, and initiating and implementing improvement.

3. Environmental Education Standards

NAAEE Standards for the Initial Preparation of Environmental Educators

  1. STANDARD 1. Nature of Environmental Education and Environmental Literacy. Candidates demonstrate knowledge of the evolution, purposes, defining characteristics, and guiding principles of environmental education, as well as the fundamentals of environmental literacy. They understand that environmental education is an evolving field. This knowledge provides a solid foundation on which environmental educators can develop and continue to improve their own practice. [Note: This standard relates to the ability of the candidates to define environmental education and the components of environmental literacy. Standard 2 relates to the degree to which the candidates are themselves environmentally literate.]
      1.1 Candidates demonstrate an understanding of how environmental education has evolved over time and continues to change.
      1.2 Candidates demonstrate an understanding of the defining characteristics and guiding principles of environmental education.
      1.3 Candidates demonstrate an understanding of the components of environmental literacy.
  2. STANDARD 2. Environmental Literacy of Candidates. Candidates demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and dispositions associated with environmental literacy. They use technology as a tool for collecting, analyzing and communicating information about the environment. [Note: Standard 2 relates to the degree to which the candidates are themselves environmentally literate. Standard 1 relates to the ability of the candidates to define environmental education and define the components of environmental literacy.]
      2.1 Candidates demonstrate environmental inquiry skills, and use technology as a tool to answer their own questions.
      2.2 Candidates demonstrate an understanding of the processes and systems that comprise the environment, including Earth as a physical system, the living environment, and human social systems and influences.
      2.3 Candidates identify, select and investigate environmental issues and use technology as a tool when conducting these investigations.
      2.4 Candidates demonstrate an understanding of the importance of exercising the rights and responsibilities of environmental citizenship.
      2.5 Candidates identify and evaluate the need for action on specific environmental issues, identify possible action projects, and evaluated potential outcomes of those action projects.
      2.6 Candidates use the results of their investigations to plan, carry out, and evaluate action projects designed to address selected environmental issues.
  3. STANDARD 3. Learning Theories and Knowledge of Learners. Candidates demonstrate an understanding of theories of learning and human development, learning processes, and individual differences. They demonstrate respect for their students as unique individuals. Candidates apply this knowledge to create positive, effective and responsive learning environments for all students3 in environmental education.
      3.1 Candidates impact diverse students’ learning by applying theories of learning and development when planning, delivering, and improving environmental education instruction.
      3.2 Candidates impact diverse students’ learning by applying an understanding of learning processes when planning, delivering, and improving environmental education.
      3.3 Candidates impact diverse students’ learning by applying an understanding of ability levels and cultural and linguistic backgrounds when planning, delivering, and improving environmental education instruction.
  4. STANDARD 4. Curriculum: Standards and Integration. Candidates demonstrate an understanding of how the unique features of environmental education can be used in the design and enrichment of standards-based curricula and school programs.
      4.1 Candidates align NAAEE’s Guidelines for Learning (PreK-12) and associated environmental literacy components with national, state, and district content standards.
      4.2 Candidates use alignment results to select, adapt, and develop environmental education curricular and instructional materials.
      4.3 Candidates seek opportunities to integrate environmental education into standards-based curricula and school programs.
  5. STANDARD 5. Instructional Planning and Practice. Candidates identify and differentiate among a variety of instructional strategies and tools, including instructional technology that enhance environmental learning. They plan and deliver instruction that promotes environmental literacy and creates stimulating and motivating climates for learning for diverse learners.
      5.1 Candidates describe and critically review a range of instructional materials, resources, technologies, and settings for use in environmental education.
      5.2 Candidates impact students’ learning by selecting and implementing instructional strategies and technologies that meet diverse students’ needs and lead to the development of environmental literacy.
      5.3 Candidates develop technology- rich environmental education instructional plans that address diverse students’ needs.
      5.4 Candidates impact diverse students’ learning by delivering developmentally, culturally and linguistically appropriate and effective environmental education instruction.
  6. STANDARD 6. Assessment. Candidates possess the knowledge, abilities, and commitment to make assessment integral to curriculum and instruction in environmental education, thereby fostering continuous intellectual, social, emotional, and physical development of each student. Candidates demonstrate an understanding of how assistive technologies can be used in assessment. Candidates use assessment as a means of on-going evaluation of effective teaching and learning.
      6.1 Candidates integrate assessment that meets the needs of diverse students into environmental education instruction.
      6.2 Candidates impact diverse students’ learning by using assessment data, collected and analyzed with the aid of technology, to inform environmental education instruction.
      6.3 Candidates impact diverse students’ learning by communicating assessment results and achievement to appropriate individuals.
  7. STANDARD 7. Professional Growth in Environmental Education. Candidates recognize the importance and benefits of belonging to a professional community, and understand that professional development is a life-long endeavor and an indispensable asset to becoming a contributing member of the environmental education profession. Candidates understand and accept the responsibilities associated with practicing environmental education.
      7.1 Candidates identify the benefits and recognize the importance of belonging to a professional environmental education community.
      7.2 Candidates engage in environmental education professional development opportunities, including technology-based opportunities.
      7.3 Candidates provide accurate, balanced, and effective environmental education instruction.
      7.4 Candidates develop a rationale for environmental education and understand the need to advocate for the field of environmental education.

4. School Counselor Preparation Program Standards

Standards for School Counselor Preparation Programs

These standards were approved August 2019 by the Kentucky Education Professional Standards Board.


1.1 The school counselor education program has a publicly available mission statement in alignment with the School of Education in which the program is housed.

  1. Analyze personal, district and state beliefs, assumptions and philosophies about student success, specifically what they should know and be able to do.
  2. Compose a personal beliefs statement about students, families, teachers, school counseling programs and the educational process consistent with the school’s educational philosophy and mission.
  3. Analyze a school’s particular educational beliefs, vision and mission.
  4. Create a school counseling vision statement describing a future world where student outcomes are being successfully achieved, stating the best possible outcomes desired for students that are five to fifteen years away and aligned with the school and district vision.
  5. Create a school counseling mission statement aligned with the school, district and state mission that is specific, concise, clear and comprehensive; emphasizes equity, access and success for every student; and indicates long-range results desired for all students.
  6. Communicate the vision and mission of the school counseling program to all appropriate stakeholders.

1.2 The program has relevant objectives to carry out the mission.

  1. The objectives reflect current knowledge and skills as provided in Standard 2.
  2. The objectives reflect input from all persons involved in the conduct of the program, including program faculty, current and former students, and personnel in cooperating school.
  3. The objectives address student learning.
  4. The objectives are written so they can be evaluated.

1.3 Students actively identify and participate within the counseling profession.

  1. Students participating in professional counseling organizations.
  2. Students participating in seminars, workshops, or other activities that contribute to personal and professional growth.


2.1 Current counseling-related research is infused in the curriculum.

  1. Curriculum reflects evidenced-based theoretical foundation.
  2. Curriculum reflects evidenced-based strategies and techniques.

2.2 Professional Identity and Ethical Practice

  1. History and philosophy of the counseling profession, including significant factors and events;
  2. The multiple professional roles and functions of counselors across specialty areas and their relationships with human service and integrated behavioral health care systems, including interagency and inter-organizational collaboration and consultation.
  3. Counselors’ roles and responsibilities as members of interdisciplinary community outreach and emergency management response teams.
  4. The role and process of the professional counselor advocating on behalf of the profession.
  5. Advocacy processes needed to address institutional and social barriers that impede access, equity, and success for clients.
  6. Professional organizations, including but not limited to ASCA/American Counselors Association (ACA), Kentucky School Counselors Association (KSCA)/Kentucky Counselors Association (KCA) its divisions, branches, and affiliates, including membership benefits, activities, services to members, and current emphases.
  7. Professional counseling credentialing, including certification, licensure, and accreditation practices and standards, and the effects of public policy on these issues.
  8. Ethical standards of professional counseling organizations and credentialing bodies, and applications of ethical and legal considerations in professional counseling.
  9. Technology’s impact on the counseling profession and how to stay up-to-date with technology needed to enhance productivity/efficiency within the profession.
  10. Strategies for personal and professional self-evaluation and implications for practice.
  11. Self-care strategies appropriate to the counselor role.
  12. The role of counseling supervision in the profession.

2.3 Social and Cultural Diversity

  1. Multicultural and pluralistic characteristics within and among diverse groups nationally and internationally.
  2. Theories and models of multicultural counseling, cultural identity development, and social justice and advocacy.
  3. Multicultural counseling competencies.
  4. The impact of heritage, attitudes, beliefs, understandings, and acculturative experiences on an individual’s views of others.
  5. Individual, couple, family, group, and community strategies for working with diverse populations and ethnic groups;
  6. Counselors’ roles in social justice, advocacy and conflict resolution, cultural self-awareness, the nature of biases, prejudices, processes of intentional and unintentional oppression and discrimination to the growth of the human spirit, mind, or body.
  7. Strategies for identifying and eliminating barriers, prejudices, and processes of intentional and unintentional oppression and discrimination.
  8. Apply legal and ethical principles of the school counseling profession.

2.4 Human Growth and Development

  1. Theories of individual and family development across the lifespan.
  2. Theories of learning.
  3. Theories of normal and abnormal personality development.
  4. Theories and etiology of addictions and addictive behaviors.
  5. Biological, neurological, and physiological factors that affect human development, functioning, and behavior.
  6. Systemic and environmental factors that affect human development, functioning, and behavior
  7. Effects of crisis, disasters, and trauma on diverse individuals across the lifespan.
  8. A general framework for understanding differing abilities and strategies for differentiated interventions.
  9. Ethical and culturally relevant strategies for promoting resilience and optimum development and wellness across the lifespan.
  10. Strategies to facilitate school and postsecondary transitions.

2.5 Career Development

  1. Theories and models of career development, counseling, and decision making
  2. Approaches for conceptualizing the interrelationships among and between work, mental well-being, relationships, and other life roles and factors.
  3. Processes for identifying and using career, avocational, educational, occupational and labor market information resources, technology, and information systems.
  4. Assessment instruments and techniques that are relevant to career planning and decision making.
  5. Strategies for assessing abilities, interests, values, personality and other factors that contribute to career development.
  6. Strategies for career development program planning, organization, implementation, administration, and evaluation.
  7. Career counseling processes, techniques, and resources, including those applicable to specific populations.
  8. Strategies for facilitating client skill development for career, educational, life-work planning and management.
  9. Methods of identifying and using assessment tools and techniques relevant to career planning and decision making.
  10. Ethical and culturally relevant strategies for addressing career development.

2.6 Counseling and Helping Relationships

  1. Counseling theories that provide the student with a consistent model(s) to conceptualize client presentation and select appropriate counseling interventions. Student experiences should include an examination of the historical development of the counseling theories, an exploration of affective, behavioral, and cognitive theories, and an opportunity to apply the theoretical material to case studies. Students will also be exposed to models of counseling that are consistent with current professional research and practice in the field so that they can begin to develop a personal model of counseling or their theoretical orientation.
  2. A systems perspective that provides an understanding of family and other systems theories and major models of family and related interventions. Students will be exposed to a rationale for selecting family and other systems theories as appropriate modalities for family assessment and counseling.
  3. A general framework for understanding and practicing consultation. Student experiences should include an examination of the historical development of consultation, an exploration of the stages of consultation and the major models of consultation, and an opportunity to apply the theoretical material to case presentations. Students will begin to develop a personal model of consultation.
  4. Ethical and culturally relevant strategies for establishing and maintaining in-person and technology-assisted relationships.
  5. Integration of technological strategies and applications within counseling and consultation processes.
  6. Counselor and consultant characteristics and behaviors that influence helping processes including age, gender, and ethnic differences, verbal and nonverbal behaviors and personal characteristics, orientations, and skills.
  7. Essential interviewing, counseling, and case conceptualization skills.
  8. Developmentally relevant counseling treatment or intervention plans.
  9. Development of measurable outcomes for clients.
  10. Evidence-based counseling strategies and techniques for prevention and intervention.
  11. Strategies to promote client understanding of and access to a variety of community-based resources.
  12. Suicide prevention models and strategies.
  13. Crisis intervention, trauma-informed, and community-based strategies, such as Psychological First Aid, Youth Mental Health First Aid, Trauma-Informed Training and more.
  14. Processes for aiding students in developing a personal model of counseling.

2.7 Group Counseling

  1. Theories of group counseling, including commonalities, distinguishing characteristics, and pertinent research and literature.
  2. Principles of group dynamics, including group process components, developmental stage theories, and groups members’ roles and behaviors.
  3. Therapeutic factors and how they contribute to group effectiveness.
  4. Characteristics and functions of effective group leaders, including characteristics of leadership styles and approaches.
  5. Approaches to group formation, including recruiting, screening, and selecting members.
  6. Approaches used for other types of group work, including task groups, psycho educational groups, and therapy groups.
  7. Ethical and culturally relevant strategies for designing and facilitating groups.

2.8 Assessment and Testing

  1. Historical perspectives concerning the nature and meaning of assessment and testing in counseling.
  2. Methods of effectively preparing for and conducting initial assessment meetings.
  3. Procedures for assessing risk of aggression or danger to others, self-inflicted harm, or suicide.
  4. Procedures for identifying trauma and abuse and for reporting abuse.
  5. Strategies for selecting, administering, and interpreting assessment and evaluation instruments and techniques for diagnostic and intervention planning purposes.
  6. Basic concepts of standardized and non-standardized testing, norm-referenced and criterion-referenced assessments, and group and individual assessments.
  7. Statistical concepts, including scales of measurement, measures of central tendency, indices of variability, shapes and types of distributions, and correlations.
  8. Reliability and validity in the use of assessments.
  9. Use of assessments relevant to academic/educational, career, personal, and social development.
  10. Use of environmental assessments and systematic behavioral observations.
  11. Use of symptom checklists, and personality and psychological testing.
  12. Use of assessment results to diagnose developmental, behavioral, and mental disorders.
  13. Ethical and culturally relevant strategies for selecting, administering, and interpreting assessment and test results.

2.9 Research and Program Evaluation

  1. The importance of research in advancing the counseling profession, including how to critique research to inform counseling practice.
  2. Identification of evidence-based counseling practices.
  3. Needs assessments.
  4. Development of outcome measures for counseling programs.
  5. Evaluation of counseling interventions and programs.
  6. Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed research methods.
  7. Designs used in research and program evaluation.
  8. Statistical methods used in conducting research and program evaluation.
  9. Analysis and use of data in counseling.
  10. Ethical and culturally relevant strategies for conducting, interpreting, and reporting the results of research and/or program evaluation.


3.1 The preparation program monitors student performance and progress.

  1. The counselor education program faculty systematically assesses each student’s progress throughout the program by examining student learning in relation to a combination of knowledge and skills. The assessment process includes the following: (1) identification of key performance indicators of student learning in each of the eight core areas within Standard 2 as well as the remaining standards to support the design, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of comprehensive developmental school counseling programs, (2) measurement of student learning conducted via multiple measures and over multiple points in time, and (3) review or analysis of data.
  2. The counselor education program faculty systematically assesses each student’s professional dispositions throughout the program. The assessment process includes the following: (1) identification of key professional dispositions, (2) measurement of student professional dispositions over multiple points in time, and (3) review or analysis of data.
  3. The counselor education program faculty has a systematic process in place for the use of individual student assessment data in relation to retention, remediation, and dismissal.

3.2 The preparation program monitors the effectiveness of the school counselor education program.

  1. Counselor education programs have a documented, empirically based plan for systematically evaluating the program objectives, including student learning.
  2. For each of the types of data listed in 3.3a, the plan outlines (1) the data that will be collected, (2) a procedure for how and when data will be collected, (3) a method for how data will be reviewed or analyzed, and (4) an explanation for how data will be used for curriculum and program improvement.
  3. Counselor education program faculty provide evidence of the use of program evaluation data to inform program modifications.
  4. Counselor education program faculty disseminate an annual report that includes, by program level, (1) a summary of the program evaluation results, (2) subsequent program modifications, and (3) any other substantial program changes. The report is published on the program website in an easily accessible location, and students currently in the program, program faculty, institutional administrators, and personnel in cooperating agencies (e.g., employers, site supervisors are notified that the report is available.

3.3 The preparation program uses data to recommend changes and adjustments to the program

  1. The counselor education program faculty demonstrate the use of the following to evaluate the program objectives: (1) aggregate student assessment data that address student knowledge, skills, and professional dispositions; (2) demographic and other characteristics of applicants, students, and graduates; and (3) data from systematic follow-up studies of graduates, site supervisors, and employers of program graduates.


4.1 Advocacy for all K-12 students

  1. School counselor roles as leaders, advocates, and systems change agents in K-12 schools.
  2. School counselor roles in consultation with families, K-12 and postsecondary school personnel, and community agencies.
  3. School counselor roles in relation to college and career readiness.

4.2 Advocacy for effective school counseling programs

  1. Competencies to advocate for school counseling roles.
  2. Methods of planning for and presenting school counseling-related educational programs to administrators, teachers, parents, and the community.
  3. Integration of the school counseling program into the total school curriculum by systematically providing information and skills training to assist pre-K-12 students in maximizing their academic, career, and personal/social development.
  4. Promotion of the use of counseling and guidance activities and programs by the total school community to enhance a positive school climate.
  5. Professional organizations, preparation standards, and credentials relevant to the practice of school counseling.
  6. Legislation and government policy relevant to school counseling.
  7. Legal and ethical considerations specific to school counseling.

4.3 Strategies of Leadership designed to enhance the learning environment of K-12 schools

  1. School counselor roles in school leadership and multidisciplinary teams.
  2. Qualities and styles of effective leadership in schools.
  3. School counselor roles and responsibilities in relation to the school emergency management plans, and crises, disasters, and trauma characteristics, risk factors, and warning signs of students at risk for mental health and behavioral disorders.
  4. Common medications that affect learning, behavior, and mood in children and adolescents.
  5. Signs and symptoms of substance abuse in children and adolescents as well as the signs and symptoms of living in a home where substance use occurs.
  6. Coordination, collaboration, referral, and team-building efforts with teachers, parents, support personnel, and community resources to promote program objectives and facilitate successful student development and achievement of all students.
  7. Professional organizations, preparation standards, and credentials relevant to the practice of school counseling.
  8. Legislation and government policy relevant to school counseling.
  9. Legal and ethical considerations specific to school counseling.


5.1 The program must clearly define and measure the outcomes expected of practicum/intern students, using appropriate professional resources that address the Kentucky School Counselor Standards of Practice.

  1. Supervision of practicum and internship students includes program-appropriate audio/video recordings and/or live supervision of students’ interactions with clients.
  2. Formative and summative evaluations of the student’s counseling performance and ability to integrate and apply knowledge are conducted as part of the student’s practicum and internship.
  3. Students have the opportunity to become familiar with a variety of professional activities and resources, including technological resources, during their practicum and internship.
  4. In addition to the development of individual counseling skills, during either the practicum or internship, students must lead or co-lead a counseling or psychoeducational group.
  5. Students complete supervised counseling practicum experiences that total a minimum of 100 clock hours over a full academic term that is a minimum of 10 weeks.
  6. Practicum students complete at least 40 clock hours of direct service with actual clients that contributes to the development of counseling skills.
  7. Practicum students have weekly interaction with supervisors that averages one hour per week of individual and/or triadic supervision throughout the practicum by (1) a counselor education program faculty member, (2) a student supervisor who is under the supervision of a counselor education program faculty member, or (3) a site supervisor who is working in consultation on a regular schedule with a counselor education program faculty member in accordance with the supervision agreement.
  8. Practicum students participate in an average of 1½ hours per week of group supervision on a regular schedule throughout the practicum. Group supervision must be provided by a counselor education program faculty member or a student supervisor who is under the supervision of a counselor education program faculty member.

5.2 Practicum/ internship experiences must occur in a school counseling setting under the supervision of a site supervisor.

  1. Counselor education program faculty members serving as individual/triadic or group practicum/internship supervisors for students in entry-level programs have (1) relevant experience, (2) professional credentials, and (3) counseling supervision training and experience.
  2. Students serving as individual/triadic or group practicum/internship supervisors for students in entry-level programs must (1) have completed EPSB school counseling degree requirements, (2) have completed or are receiving preparation in counseling supervision, and (3) be under supervision from counselor education program faculty.
  3. Site supervisors have (1) a minimum of a master’s degree in school counseling; (2) relevant certifications and/or licenses; (3) a minimum of two years of professional experience in school counseling; (4) knowledge of the program’s expectations, requirements, and evaluation procedures for students; and (5) relevant training in counseling supervision.
  4. Orientation, consultation, and professional development opportunities are provided by counselor education program faculty to site supervisors.
  5. Written supervision agreements define the roles and responsibilities of the faculty supervisor, site supervisor, and student during practicum and internship. When individual/triadic practicum supervision is conducted by a site supervisor in consultation with counselor education program faculty, the supervision agreement must detail the format and frequency of consultation to monitor student learning.

*For a more information regarding the Kentucky Standards of Preparation for School Counselors please CLICK HERE.

5. Infant and Early Childhood Education Standards

Kentucky Teacher Standards for Preparation and Certification: Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education Birth to Primary Adopted January 1995 - Revised March 2003 by the Kentucky Education Professional Standards Board.

  1. Standard 1. Designs/Plans Instruction. The Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education (IECE) educator designs and plans experiences and instruction that support the development and learning of infants, toddlers, preschool children, and kindergarten children, including those with disabilities.
    Performance Criteria: The extent to which the IECE educator:
      1.1 Designs developmentally appropriate, comprehensive curriculum and instruction aligned with Kentucky Learner Goals
      1.2 Selects developmentally and individually appropriate strategies and resources to provide activity-based learning experiences
      1.3 Adapts and individualizes curriculum and instruction plans for all children, including those with special needs and disabilities
      1.4 Plans for the effective involvement of team members including assistants, staff, and volunteers across learning environments
      1.5 Incorporates knowledge of multiple disciplines and strategies from team members
      1.6 Incorporates family strengths and resources, priorities, and concerns to plan experiences and instruction (e.g., lesson plans, IFSPs, IEPs, and transition plans) .
  2. Standard 2. Creates/Maintains Environments. The IECE educator creates and maintains learning environments in a variety of settings that support the development and learning of infants, toddlers, preschool children, and kindergarten children, including those with disabilities.
    Performance Criteria: The extent to which the IECE educator:
      2.1 Creates the physical, social, and temporal environment to engage children and maximize learning aligned with Kentucky Learner Goals.
      2.2 Creates and maintains developmentally and individually appropriate activity-based learning environments.
      2.3 Maintains a healthy and safe environment.
      2.4 Provides developmentally and individually appropriate indoor and outdoor environments.
      2.5 Creates environments that recognize and value diversity as a strength in children and families.
      2.6 Adapts environments to support children with special needs and disabilities.
      2.7 Creates, evaluates, and selects technology, materials, and media to enhance the learning environment.
      2.8 Facilitates positive interaction between children and adults.
      2.9 Uses positive guidance techniques to foster children’s self-regulation.
      2.10 Uses responsive techniques to nurture appropriate social interaction and social competence.
      2.11 Functions within legal, ethical, and professional guidelines.
      2.12 Applies adult learning principles in supervising and training adults.
  3. Standard 3. Implements Instruction. The IECE educator introduces, implements, and facilitates experiences and instruction that support development and learning for infants, toddlers, preschool children, and kindergarten children, including those with disabilities.
    Performance Criteria: The extent to which the IECE educator:
      3.1 Facilitates children’s acquisition and integration of behavior, skills, and concepts to support learning aligned with Kentucky Learner Goals.
      3.2 Implements developmentally appropriate individual and group activities in indoor and outdoor environments.
      3.3 Encourages children’s active involvement in a variety of structured and unstructured learning activities.
      3.4 Uses instructional strategies that meet the unique needs of each child.
      3.5 Implements family-centered activities that reflect the family’s resources, priorities, and concerns.
      3.6 Provides learning experiences that support and expand the cultural knowledge and behavior of each child.
      3.7 Provides guidance, learning cues, and positive feedback to children.
      3.8 Manages antecedent and consequent conditions to foster self-management behaviors.
  4. Standard 4. Assesses & Communicates Learning Results. The IECE educator, in collaboration with others, assesses the development and ongoing learning of infants, toddlers, preschool children, and kindergarten children, including those with disabilities, and communicates the results with partners, including families.
    Performance Criteria: The extent to which the IECE educator:
      4.1 Uses developmentally appropriate and authentic assessments to determine child needs, to plan individualized learning experiences, and to develop and implement IFSPs and IEPs.
      4.2 Selects, creates, adapts, and uses multiple modes and methods of assessments which are sensitive to the unique cultural and learning needs of the child.
      4.3 Actively involves families and other team members in the assessment process.
      4.4 Systematically collects, organizes, and records ongoing assessment data to monitor child progress.
      4.5 Monitors, summarizes, and evaluates the acquisition of child and family outcomes as outlined in the IEP or the IFSP.
      4.6 Effectively communicates assessment results and ongoing child progress with families and other team members in everyday language, including native language and communicative mode.
  5. Standard 5. Reflects/Evaluates Professional Practices. The IECE educator reflects on and evaluates professional practices that support the development and learning of infants, toddlers, preschool children, and kindergarten children, including those with disabilities.
    Performance Criteria: The extent to which the IECE educator:
      5.1 Engages in ongoing self-reflection to improve professional practices.
      5.2 Communicates strengths and areas for growth in professional practices as a result of self-reflection.
      5.3 Applies professional ethics, practices and legal mandates in early childhood settings.
      5.4 Reflects upon, evaluates, and modifies involvement of team members including assistants, staff, and volunteers across learning environments.
      5.5 Participates in program evaluation efforts to improve child learning and development.
      5.6 Identifies the professional development needs of assistants, staff and volunteers and provides support to improve each person's performance.
  6. Standard 6. Collaborates with Colleagues/Families/Others. The IECE educator collaborates and consults with team members including colleagues, families, primary caregivers, agency personnel, and other service personnel to design and implement experiences and instruction that support the development and learning of infants, toddlers, preschool children, and kindergarten children, including those with disabilities.
    Performance Criteria: The extent to which the IECE educator:
      6.1 Participates as an effective team member and demonstrates appropriate interpersonal skills to support collaboration in early childhood settings.
      6.2 Seeks and encourages the participation of families as partners in promoting the child's development, sharing information, making decisions, and implementing and evaluating program plans for the child.
      6.3 Consults and collaborates with team members to promote the child's development, share information, make decisions, implement, and evaluate program plans for the child.
      6.4 Seeks advice and collaborates with community members and agencies to provide resources, promote child development, and increase learning in early childhood settings.
      6.5 Articulates the individual outcomes and unique needs for each child to assistants, staff, and volunteers.
      6.6 Provides ongoing constructive feedback to team members about professional practices.
      6.7 Collaborates with families and other team members to support successful transition to next setting.
  7. Standard 7. Engages in Professional Development. The IECE educator engages in self-evaluation of professional practices and implements a professional development plan to improve his/her performance.
    Performance Criteria: The extent to which the IECE educator:
      7.1 Engages in ongoing critical analysis and reflective thinking to assess one's own performance and identify areas for growth.
      7.2 Develops a professional growth plan.
      7.3 Documents professional growth and performance.
      7.4 Demonstrates professional growth through identification with and active participation in professional organizations.
      7.5 Critically reviews and applies research and recommended practices.
      7.6 Seeks support and expertise of others to improve professional practice.
      7.7 Acquires and integrates information from a variety of resources to expand personal knowledge of child development, interdisciplinary practices, diversity, and family-centered services.
  8. Standard 8. Supports Families. The IECE educator supports families through family-centered services that promote independence and self-determination.
    Performance Criteria: The extent to which the IECE educator:
      8.1 Assists families in articulating resources, priorities, and concerns.
      8.2 Demonstrates sensitivity to characteristics of each child's family and community and shows respect for cultural preferences and socioeconomic influences.
      8.3 Implements a continuum of family-centered services which support child development.
      8.4 Informs families of program objectives, procedures, and legal rights.
      8.5 Applies adult learning principles to parent education activities .
      8.6 Promotes family participation in adult education opportunities and school and community activities.
      8.7 Demonstrates knowledge of family structure, style, and stages of family and adult development.
      8.8 Communicates with families and other team members in everyday language including their native language and communicative mode, using interpreters if appropriate.
  9. Standard 9. Demonstrates Implementation of Technology. The IECE educator uses technology to support instruction; access and manipulate data; enhance professional growth and productivity; communicate and collaborate with colleagues, families, and community agencies; and conduct research.
    Performance Criteria: The extent to which the IECE educator:
      9.1 Operates a multimedia computer and peripherals to install and use a variety of software.
      9.2 Uses terminology related to computers and technology appropriately in written and verbal communication.
      9.3 Demonstrates knowledge of the use of technology in business, industry, and society.
      9.4 Demonstrates basic knowledge of computer/peripheral parts and attends to simple connections and installations.
      9.5 Creates multimedia presentations using scanners, digital cameras, and video cameras.
      9.6 Uses the computer to do word processing, create databases and spreadsheets, access electronic mail and the Internet, make presentations, and use other emerging technologies to enhance professional productivity and support instruction.
      9.7 Uses computers and other technologies such as interactive instruction, audio/video conferencing, and other distance-learning applications to enhance professional productivity and support instruction
      9.8 Requests and uses appropriate assistive and adaptive devices for children with special needs
      9.9 Designs lessons that use technology to address diverse needs and learning styles of children
      9.10 Practices equitable and legal use of computers and technology in professional activities
      9.11 Facilitates the lifelong learning of self and others through the use of technology
      9.12 Explores, uses, and evaluates technology resources: software, applications, and related documentation
      9.13 Applies research-based instructional practices that use computers and other technology.
      9.14 Uses computers and other technology for individual, small group, and large group learning activities.
      9.15 Uses technology to support multiple assessments of children’s learning.
      9.16 Instructs and supervises children in the ethical and legal use of technology.

Preamble to Kentucky Teacher Standards for IECE Birth to Primary Candidates
The Kentucky Teacher Standards for Preparation and Certification: Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education (IECE) Birth to Primary reflect performances expected of educators within a variety of environments, including classrooms, childcare settings, the children's homes, hospitals, or any other natural environments. Within these environments, instruction will include individual child activities, parent-child activities, and instruction in small and large groups. IECE educators should be knowledgeable of developmentally appropriate and research-based practices in facilitating experiences for all children, including those with disabilities and from diverse populations. By demonstrating a thorough knowledge of content areas, IECE educators will design, create, and implement experiences for the children in the areas of cognitive, adaptive, social, physical, and emotional development and communication skills. The instruction/plans may include Individual Family Service Plans (IFSPs), Individual Education Programs (IEPs), and transition plans developed in partnership with family members and other service providers. IECE educators will use assessment and evaluation practices to inform instruction and document children’s learning while engaging in self-evaluation as part of this continuous improvement process.
In Kentucky all teaching and learning tasks address Kentucky's academic expectations. These identify what children need in order to be successful in the world of the future. Thus, teachers design and implement instruction and assess learning that develops children’s abilities to:
• Use basic communication and mathematics skills in finding, organizing, expressing, and responding to information and ideas.
• Apply core concepts and principles from science, arts and humanities, mathematics, practical living studies, social studies, and vocational studies.
• Become a self-sufficient individual who demonstrates high self-esteem, a healthy lifestyle, flexibility, creativity, self-control, and independent learning.
• Become a responsible group member who demonstrates consistent, responsive, and caring behavior; interpersonal skills; respect for the rights and responsibilities of others; worldviews; and an open mind to other perspectives.
• Think and solve problems, including the ability to think critically and creatively, develop ideas and concepts, and make rational decisions.
• Connect and integrate experiences and new knowledge throughout the curriculum, question and interpret ideas from diverse perspectives, and apply concepts to real-life situations.

Kentucky Teacher Standards for IECE Birth to Primary Candidates
The Kentucky Teacher Standards for Preparation and Certification: IECE Birth to Primary each contain a general standard statement followed by a set of performance criteria to be used in evaluating the quality of performance of first-year teacher candidates presented with specific teaching tasks. The standard statement describes the category of tasks beginning teachers should be able to perform. The performance criteria describe those factors used to judge the quality of teacher performances. Scoring rubrics or guides will enable one to evaluate the teachers’ level of performance for each standard.
The Kentucky Teacher Standards for Preparation and Certification: IECE Birth to Primary are described in the order that teachers might perform tasks (e.g., plan, implement instruction, assess learning, reflect on and evaluate instruction). However, it should be understood that the order in which they are presented does not imply priority or degree of importance.

6. Safety Educator Standards

Kentucky’s Safety Educator Standards for Preparation and Certification

  1. STANDARD I Creates conditions that promote and maintain a positive, safe, and healthy school culture, climate, and environment - The safety educator facilitates and coordinates efforts to provide a safe, healthy, and nurturing school climate to promote student learning.
    PERFORMANCE CRITERIA: The extent to which the safety educator:
      1.1 Demonstrates knowledge of research-based strategies and best practices that facilitate a safe, healthy, and nurturing school climate that promotes student learning.
      1.2 Demonstrates knowledge of and skills in facilitating positive interpersonal relationships.
      1.3 Demonstrates knowledge of and skills in identifying symptoms of stress, anger, and fear, as well as research-based positive intervention strategies.
      1.4 Demonstrates knowledge of and skills in positive techniques such as problem solving, verbal de-escalation, conflict resolution, and peer mediation.
      1.5 Demonstrates skills in addressing diversity, bullying, harassment, and discrimination issues.
      1.6 Demonstrates knowledge of and skills in developing, implementing and assessing a building safety and supervision plan that utilizes school personnel, parents, and community representatives.
      1.7 Demonstrates knowledge of and skills in identifying physical facility factors and high-risk areas.
      1.8 Demonstrates knowledge and appropriate use of detection/surveillance technology.
      1.9 Demonstrates knowledge of policies, procedures and educational alternatives to facilitate effective classroom, school, and district-wide behavior management.
      1.10 Demonstrates knowledge of appropriate strategies for the identification, assessment, and management of threats.
  2. STANDARD II Fosters positive individual development - The safety educator fosters positive individual development of students that contributes to a positive, safe, and healthy school culture, climate, and environment
    PERFORMANCE CRITERIA: The extent to which the safety educator:
      2.1 Applies knowledge of typical and atypical physical, socio-emotional, and cognitive development of P-12 students to promote a safe school environment.
      2.2 Demonstrates knowledge of resiliency and risk factors in providing appropriate prevention and intervention strategies.
      2.3 Collaborates with students, teachers, administrators, certified/classified support staff, and parents to facilitate the integration of school safety, violence prevention, and social skills training into the academic curriculum.
  3. STANDARD III Utilizes safe school assessment data - The safety educator utilizes data from a variety of sources to promote school safety.
    PERFORMANCE CRITERIA: The extent to which the safety educator:
      3.1 Demonstrates knowledge of and the ability to access multiple sources of school safety data such as the Kentucky Center for School Safety’s Safe Schools Annual Report, School Data Safety Project Report, Effective School Survey, KIDS Count Data, Dropout and Truancy Reports, CATS: Cognitive and Non-Cognitive Data, Safe School Surveys, Crisis Response Plan, Physical Plant Criteria such as OSHA and state regulations, Southern Association SACS, and State Agency Assessments
      3.2 Assists with the interpretation of cognitive and non-cognitive data to facilitate changes to support school safety for student learning.
      3.3 Reports data on school discipline practices related to race, gender, and disability.
      3.4 Uses appropriate school safety data in developing and implementing the school safety plan, including needs assessment, selection of research-based strategies, and program evaluation.
  4. STANDARD IV Coordinates crisis/emergency procedures and communication - The safety educator demonstrates the knowledge and skills to prevent crises and to appropriately implement crisis intervention and post-intervention plans under extremely stressful circumstances.
    PERFORMANCE CRITERIA: The extent to which the safety educator:
      4.1 Assists in the development of an emergency management plan that includes preparation, response, recovery, and communication.
      4.2 Establishes a trained multidisciplinary crisis response team based on a nationally accepted model (Critical Incident Stress Debriefing (CISD), National Organization for Victim Assistance (NOVA), or Red Cross) to develop an emergency/crisis response kit/box for each building, conduct school crisis drills, and plan for post-intervention activities.
      4.3 Establishes a trained mental health team to deliver psychological first-aid services following a crisis.
      4.4 Facilitates the training of school personnel, students, and community members in crisis prevention, response, and recovery.
      4.5 Accesses a network of community, state, and national crisis responders as necessary.
      4.6 Assists in crisis response assessment.
      4.7 Provides information to media and other appropriate audiences following a crisis.
      4.8 Maintains knowledge of current issues, research, laws, and regulations relating to crisis response.
  5. STANDARD V Possesses knowledge of policies and legal issues related to school safety - The safety educator demonstrates knowledge of current legal issues and professional responsibilities essential for safe schools.
    PERFORMANCE CRITERIA: The extent to which the safety educator:
      5.1 Demonstrates knowledge of civil and criminal law related to school safety.
      5.2 Demonstrates understanding of how district policies and codes of conduct support safety efforts and comply with local, state, and federal laws.
      5.3 Assists school personnel in addressing legal issues and professional responsibilities with regard to student behavior and school safety.
      5.4 Demonstrates knowledge of issues related to diversity, bullying, harassment, and discrimination.
      5.5 Demonstrates knowledge of appropriate and lawful information gathering procedures.
      5.6 Facilitates partnerships between law enforcement and school personnel.

7. School Social Work Standards

National Association of Social Work's (NASW) Standards for School Social Work Practice

  1. Standard 1. A school social worker shall demonstrate commitment to the values and ethics of the social work profession and shall use NASW's Code of Ethics as a guide to ethical decision making.
  2. Standard 2. School social workers shall organize their time, energies, and workloads to fulfill their responsibilities and complete assignments of their position, with due consideration of the priorities among their various responsibilities.
  3. Standard 3. School social workers shall provide consultati9n to local education agency personnel, school board members, and community representatives to promote understanding and effective utilization of school social work services.
  4. Standard 4. School social workers shall ensure that students and their families are provided services within the context of multicultural understanding and competence that enhance families' support of students' learning experiences.
  5. Standard 5. School social work services shall be extended to students in ways that build students' individual strengths and offer students maximum opportunity to participate in the planning and direction of their own learning experience.
  6. Standard 6. School social workers shall help empower students and their families to gain access to and effectively use formal and informal community resources.
  7. Standard 7. School social workers shall maintain adequate safeguards for the privacy and confidentiality of information.
  8. Standard 8. School social workers shall advocate for students and their families in a variety of situations.
  9. Standard 9. As leaders and members of interdisciplinary teams and coalitions school social , workers shall work collaboratively to mobilize the resources of local education agencies and communities to meet the needs of students and families.
  10. Standard 10. School social workers shall develop and provide training and educational programs that address the goals and mission of the educational institution.
  11. Standard 11. School social workers shall maintain accurate data that are relevant to planning, management, and evaluation of school social work services.
  12. Standard 12. School social workers shall conduct assessments of student needs that are individualized and provide information that is directly useful for designing interventions that address behaviors of concern.
  13. Standard 13. School social workers shall incorporate assessments in developing and implementing intervention and evaluation plans that enhance student$' abilities to benefit from educational experiences.
  14. Standard 14. School social workers, as systems change agents, shall identify areas of need that are not being addressed by the local education agency and community and shall work to create services that address these needs.
  15. Standard 15. School social workers shall be trained in and use mediation and conflictresolution strategies to promote students' resolution of their nonproductive encounters in the school and community and to promote productive relationships.
  16. Standard 16. School social workers shall meet the provisions for practice set by NASW.
  17. Standard 17. School social workers shall possess knowledge and understanding basic to the social work profession.
  18. Standard 18. School social workers shall understand the backgrounds and broad range of experiences that shape students' approaches to learning.
  19. Standard 19. School social workers shall possess knowledge and understanding of the organization and structure of the local education agency (school district).
  20. Standard 20. School social workers shall possess knowledge and understanding of the reciprocal influences of home, school, and community.
  21. Standard 21. School social workers shall possess skills in systematic assessment and investigation.
  22. Standard 22. School social workers shall understand the relationship between practice and policies affecting students.
  23. Standard 23. School social workers shall be able to select and apply empirically validated or promising prevention and intervention methods to enhance students' educational experiences.
  24. Standard 24. School social workers shall be able to evaluate their practice and disseminate the findings to consumers, the local education agency, the community, and the profession.
  25. Standard 25. School social workers shall possess skills in developing coalitions at the local, state, and national levels that promote student success.
  26. Standard 26. School social workers shall be able to promote collaboration among community health and mental health services providers and facilitate student access to these services.
  27. Standard 27. School social workers shall assume responsibility for their own continued professional development in accordance with the NASW Standards for Continuing Professional Education * and state requirements.
  28. Standard 28. School social workers shall contribute to the development of the profession by educating and supervising school social work interns.

8. Teacher Leader Model Standards

Section 1. Teacher Leader Model Standards for Educator Preparation and Certification. The Education Professional Standards Board shall use the standards established in this section in the evaluation and assessment of a teacher leader for advanced certification and for the approval of teacher leader master preparation programs.

  1. Domain I: Fostering a Collaborative Culture to Support Educator Development and Student Learning.
    1. Utilizes group processes to help colleagues1 work collaboratively to solve problems, make decisions, manage conflict, and promote meaningful change;
    2. Models effective skills in listening, presenting ideas, leading discussions, clarifying, mediating, and identifying the needs of self and others in order to advance shared goals and professional learning;
    3. Employs facilitation skills to create trust among colleagues, develop collective wisdom, build ownership and action that supports student learning;
    4. Strives to create an inclusive culture where diverse perspectives are welcomed in addressing challenges; and
    5. Uses knowledge and understanding of different backgrounds, ethnicities, cultures, and languages to promote effective interactions among colleagues.
  2. Domain II: Accessing and Using Research to Improve Practice and Student Learning.
    1. Assists colleagues in accessing and using research in order to select appropriate strategies to improve student learning;
    2. Facilitates the analysis of student learning data, collaborative interpretation of results, and application of findings to improve teaching and learning;
    3. Supports colleagues in collaborating with the higher education institutions and other organizations engaged in researching critical educational issues; and
    4. Teaches and supports colleagues to collect, analyze, and communicate data from their classrooms to improve teaching and learning.
  3. Domain III: Promoting Professional Learning for Continuous Improvement.
    1. Collaborates with colleagues and school administrators to plan professional learning that is team-based, job-embedded, sustained over time, aligned with content standards, and linked to school/district improvement goals;
    2. Uses information about adult learning to respond to the diverse learning needs of colleagues by identifying, promoting, and facilitating varied and differentiated professional learning;
    3. Facilitates professional learning among colleagues;
    4. Identifies and uses appropriate technologies to promote collaborative and differentiated professional learning;
    5. Works with colleagues to collect, analyze, and disseminate data related to the quality of professional learning and its effect on teaching and student learning;
    6. Advocates for sufficient preparation time, and support for colleagues to work in teams to engage in job-embedded professional learning;
    7. Provides constructive feedback to colleagues to strengthen teaching practice and improve student learning; and
    8. Uses information about emerging education, economic, and social trends in planning and facilitating professional learning.
  4. Domain IV: Facilitate Improvements in Instruction and Student Learning.
    1. Facilitates the collection, analysis, and use of classroom- and school-based data to identify opportunities to improve curriculum, instruction, assessment, school organization, and school culture;
    2. Engages in reflective dialog with colleagues based on observation of instruction, student work, and assessment data and helps make connections to research-based effective practices;
    3. Supports colleagues’ individual and collective reflection and professional growth by serving in roles such as mentor, coach, and content facilitator;
    4. Serves as a team leader to harness the skills, expertise, and knowledge of colleagues to address curricular expectations and student learning needs;
    5. Uses knowledge of existing and emerging technologies to guide colleagues in helping students skillfully and appropriately navigate the universe of knowledge available on the Internet, use social media to promote collaborative learning, and connect with people and resources around the globe; and
    6. Promotes instructional strategies that address issues of diversity and equity in the classroom and ensures that individual student learning needs remain the central focus of instruction.
  5. Domain V: Promote the Use of Assessments and Data for School and District Improvement.
    1. Increases the capacity of colleagues to identify and use multiple assessment tools aligned to state and local standards;
    2. Collaborates with colleagues in the design, implementation, scoring, and interpretation of student data to improve educational practice and student learning;
    3. Creates a climate of trust and critical reflection in order to engage colleagues in challenging conversations about student learning data that lead to solutions to identified issues; and
    4. Works with colleagues to use assessment and data findings to promote changes in instructional practices or organizational structures to improve student learning.
  6. Domain VI: Improving Outreach and Collaboration with Families and Community
    1. Uses knowledge and understanding of the different backgrounds, ethnicities, cultures, and languages in the school community to promote effective interactions among colleagues, families, and the larger community;
    2. Models and teaches effective communication and collaboration skills with families and other stakeholders focused on attaining equitable achievement for students of all backgrounds and circumstances;
    3. Facilitates colleagues’ self-examination of their own understandings of community culture and diversity and how they can develop culturally responsive strategies to enrich the educational experiences of students and achieve high levels of learning for all students;
    4. Develops a shared understanding among colleagues of the diverse educational needs of families and the community; and
    5. Collaborates with families, communities, and colleagues to develop comprehensive strategies to address the diverse educational needs of families and the community.
  7. Domain VII: Advocate for Student Learning and the Profession.
    1. Shares information with colleagues within and/or beyond the district regarding how local, state, and national trends and policies can impact classroom practices and expectations for student learning;
    2. Works with colleagues to identify and use research to advocate for teaching and learning processes that meet the needs of all students;
    3. Collaborates with colleagues to select appropriate opportunities to advocate for the rights and/or needs of students, to secure additional resources within the building or district that support student learning, and to communicate effectively with targeted audiences such as parents and community members;
    4. Advocates for access to professional resources, including financial support and human and other material resources, that allow colleagues to spend significant time learning about effective practices and developing a professional learning community focused on school improvement goals; and
    5. Represents and advocates for the profession in contexts outside of the classroom.