Local Educator Assignment Data (LEAD)

The LEAD report is a semiannual report done by local school districts to ensure there is a properly certified educator in every position.  The KECS Lead User Guide (ky.gov) and the training documents used in summer LEAD training presentations are available below. These materials are provided for school and district use. Please contact the LEAD Team at: LEADteam@education.ky.gov if there are questions about these documents.

The ability to check and correct LEAD records is now open year-round and updated daily through a data exchange with KSIS.  To access the LEAD page, go to: Lead | Courses | KECS Licensure (ky.gov). NOTE: You must be a district LEAD coordinator to access this page.

The deadline for final submission of the Fall LEAD Report from the district to EPSB is November 1. The deadline for final submission of the Spring LEAD Report is February 28.  

If you have any questions about LEAD, please contact the EPSB LEAD team toll-free at: (888) 598-7667 or by e-mail at: LEADteam@education.ky.gov.

Last modified: Thursday, September 12, 2024, 9:26 AM