Research Reports and Survey Results

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Area: Certification
Year or Date of Report: September 2009
Source: EPSB Report
Title: A Review of Value-Added Models
Description: Value-added methodology (VAM), especially as exemplified by the Tennessee Value-added Assessment System (TVAAS) by William Sanders, has emerged over the past several years as an attractive alternative for evaluating the effectiveness of school systems and school personnel. Its attractiveness stems principally from its purported ability to minimize or altogether obviate a notorious problem in the evaluation of educational data, the complex interactions between student characteristics, community characteristics, school policies, and teacher effects that together contribute to student success or failure. These complex interactions inevitably cast doubt on the results of simpler estimation methods, because it is very difficult to control for all of the relevant variables known to have some effect on student outcomes.
Document: PDF document A Review of Value-Added Models 2004-09.pdf
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