Policies and Procedures

7. Procedure: Waiver of Six Additional Hours for Program Completers Lacking a Passing Praxis Score

  • Approved August 26, 2002

Pursuant to KRS 161.100 and 16 KAR 2:120, the Education Professional Standards Board ("the Board") issues emergency certificates to applicants when no qualified teachers are available for a vacant position. Applicants for emergency certification must have a minimum of a bachelor’s degree. Emergency certificates are valid for one-year and are renewable with the completion of six (6) semester hours credit toward an educator preparation degree.

However, emergency certificates may also be issued to education program completers who have not yet passed the required PRAXIS assessments. In these cases, the renewal requirement of six (6) additional semester hours is illogical because the applicants have completed all required education coursework. Accordingly, for education preparation program completers, the Board will issue an emergency certificate for one additional year without any requirement of additional hours, pending a successful score on the applicable PRAXIS assessment.

All subsequent certificate renewals shall require the completion of six (6) additional semester hours.