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Policies and Procedures

Site: Education Professional Standards Board
Site: Board Information
Book: Policies and Procedures
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Date: Saturday, July 27, 2024, 4:06 AM

1. Procedure: Character and Fitness Applications and Approval

Application Process

  • Approved August 26, 2002

Pursuant to KRS 161.028(1)(a), the Education Professional Standards Board ("the Board") is responsible for establishing standards and requirements for obtaining and maintaining a certificate. Accordingly, all applicants for initial certification and renewal are required to submit a Character and Fitness application. Therein, the applicant is asked several questions pertaining to past convictions or disciplinary action in relation to past employment. Any "yes" answer requires that the Board approve the application.

All such applications are submitted to Legal Services staff and a summary of the self-reported details is prepared and presented at the next regularly-scheduled board meeting.

In evaluating Character and Fitness applications, there are no grounds for automatic denial of certification. However, KRS 160.380(3) prohibits a superintendent from hiring a violent offender or a person convicted of a felony sex crime.

The Board considers, among other things, the nature of the offense, if any children or minors were involved, if any violence or drugs were involved, how long ago the event occurred, the age of the applicant at the time of the offense, and if any terms of a sentence or probation were fulfilled. The Board then determines whether to approve or deny the application. (The Board may also ask for additional information before making its decision.)

The applicant is advised of the Board decision by letter. In the event the application is denied, the applicant is further advised of his or her right to a hearing pursuant to KRS 161.120(5)(a)2. If an applicant exercises that right, the case proceeds along the same course as a disciplinary case, culminating in Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, and a Final Order.

Preliminary Approval Process

  • Approved November 16, 1998
  • Amended August 26, 2002

The Education Professional Standards Board ("the Board") has an established precedent to approve Character and Fitness applications that indicate certain past misdemeanor convictions. Based upon that precedent, the Board authorizes a staff attorney to issue preliminary approval for certification under the following conditions:

  • The applicant is NOT applying for an emergency certificate
  • The applicant has a verified offer of employment
  • The applicant has only one misdemeanor conviction
  • The conviction did not involve children, firearms, or drugs (excluding marijuana)
  • The conviction was more than two years ago

Legal staff will notify the applicant of the preliminary approval contingent upon Board approval. Each case of preliminary approval will be submitted to the Board at its next regularly scheduled meeting for review and final approval. The certificates of those applicants approved by the Board shall remain valid. The certificates of those applicants subsequently denied by the Board shall be automatically revoked and the applicant (and employing district) notified immediately by the Board legal staff. The applicant shall be entitled to appeal as set out in KRS 161.120(5)(a)2.

2. Procedure: Election of Officers

  • Approved July 1996
  • Amended June 2, 1999; May 14, 2001; August 26, 2002; March 20, 2006

Pursuant to KRS 161.028, the Education Professional Standards Board (“the Board”) is required to elect a Chair from the membership. A member shall be eligible to serve no more than three, one-year terms in succession as Chair. The following procedure shall be followed regarding election of the Chair and Vice-Chair.

  1. The election of the Chair and Vice-Chair shall be conducted at a regular meeting of the Board in August or later, at the discretion of the Board.
  2. Nominations for Chair shall be accepted from a nominating committee appointed by the Chair or from the floor.
  3. Voting shall be conducted in Open Session.
  4. In case of a tie, voting among the top two candidates shall follow the first ballot when three or more candidates are nominated. When only two candidates are nominated and a tie vote is recorded, balloting shall continue until the tie is broken.
  5. The nomination and election of the Vice-Chair shall be conducted in the same manner as that of the Chair.
  6. Officers shall assume their duties at the September meeting following the election or at the next meeting (regular or called) of the Board if the election is conducted in September or later.
  7. If an elected officer is not eligible to continue to serve, or resigns from office, an election for that office shall be conducted at the next regular meeting of the Board following notification of ineligibility or resignation. If the office vacated is that of Chair, the Vice-Chair shall assume duties and responsibilities of the Chair until an election for Chair is conducted.
  8. If the term of appointment of elected Board officers expires before the annual election, the Board shall designate a member of the Board to act as Chair until the election is conducted.
  9. In the event of the absence of the Chair, and the inability of the Vice-Chair to preside or the absence of the Vice-Chair, some other member of the Board shall call the meeting to order; and the Board shall immediately elect a Chair Pro-Tem to preside during that session. The office of Chair Pro-Tem shall terminate upon the return or availability of the Chair or Vice-Chair.
  10. If the Board elects a Chair Pro-Tem to hold office beyond the current session (in the event that the Chair and Vice-Chair are unable to perform their duties for that length of time), notice must be given at the preceding meeting or in the call of the meeting at which such election is held.

Roles and Responsibilities of Officers and Board Members


  • Encourage full participation in decision making.
  • Set agenda in consultation with Executive Director.
  • Conduct/chair meeting.
  • Reflect decisions and policies of the Board.
  • Assume leadership role in legislative effort.
  • Serve as contact for other pertinent organizations, e.g., KEA, KASA, KSBA, within KDE, etc.
  • Make reports at Board meetings as needed.
  • Determine committee composition with consent of Board.
  • Review and make suggestions on continuing needs for committees.

Vice Chair

  • Assume responsibilities and assist Chair as necessary.

All Board Members

  • Attend meetings regularly.
  • Prepare for meetings.
  • Speak with one voice on decisions and policies approved by the Board.
  • Serve on committees.
  • Communicate the work of the Board to constituency groups(s).
  • Assist in communication process to reach Board goals.
  • Model the Professional Code of Ethics for Kentucky School Certified Personnel.
  • Adhere to the Professional Conduct Procedure.
  • Adhere to the Code of Ethics for Education Professional Standards Board Members.

3. Policy: Evaluation of the Executive Director

  • Approved August 15, 2016

I. The Education Professional Standards Board (EPSB) has the authority and the responsibility to recruit, select, employ, and evaluate an Executive Director pursuant to KRS 161.028.

II. The purpose of Executive Director Evaluation is to ensure that the EPSB provides the Executive Director with sufficient direction to ensure that the Executive Director is able to support the mission of the EPSB and met EPSB goals through the Executive Director’s management of the day to day operations of the board pursuant to KRS 161.017.

III. Policy Governing Procedures relating to the Executive Director Evaluation will include specifically detailed occurrences that are guided by a specific timeline.

  1. The EPSB’s written evaluation procedures will be designed to:
    1. Evaluate the progress of the Executive Director as it relates to the execution and implementation of the EPSB’s goals and strategic plan;
    2. Evaluate the Executive Director’s professional contributions and performance as a leader and as a manager; and
    3. Provide the Executive Director with feedback to improve performance.
  2. The Mid-Year Evaluation is prepared to provide the Executive Director with the on-going feedback required for effective supervisor/employee relations between the EPSB and the Executive Director.
  3. The Annual Evaluation is the last phase of the ongoing performance management and assessment process and will serve to:
    1. Maintain a formal evaluation of performance over a specified period of time based on expectations identified by the EPSB and shared with the employee.
    2. Provide feedback to the Executive Director and assist the Executive Director in planning for the next performance period; and
    3. Models a continuous assessment system that will not replace continuing feedback and communications to the Executive Director regarding job performance.

4. Procedure: Waiver Requests

  • Approved September 28, 1998
  • Amended August 14, 2000
  • Amended August 26, 2002
  • Amended April 10, 2017

I. The Board has the authority to waive regulatory requirements promulgated by the Board pursuant to KRS 161.028(1)(r).

  1. Request
    1. Applicant for Certification;
    2. Postsecondary Institution; or
    3. Superintendent of a local school district.
  2. Format of Request
    1. All waiver requests submitted to the Board pursuant to KRS 161.028(1)(r) shall be submitted in writing to the Board’s Executive Director at least 30 days before the next regularly scheduled Board meeting. Each waiver request shall set forth all facts to support the extraordinary circumstances necessary for waiver and shall stipulate the specific regulation for which the waiver is requested.
    2. If the applicant for waiver wishes to be considered for a conditional waiver while the request for waiver is pending consideration by the Board, the applicant shall include in his/her application an explanation as to: 1) why the applicant did not submit the application sooner; and 2) why the applicant will suffer significant hardship if the application has to wait until the Board makes a final decision.
    3. The waiver request, along with all supporting documentation, shall be included in the agenda materials for the next Board meeting. The waiver request agenda item shall be assigned to the Board Waiver Committee for initial review and recommendation.
  3. EPSB Staff Review
    1. EPSB staff shall conduct a preliminary review of the request.
    2. If the applicant is seeking a conditional waiver, the Executive Director will consultant with the Board Chair and the Waiver Committee Chair regarding the request for a conditional waiver.
    3. If approval is obtained by the Board Chair and the Waiver Committee Chair, the EPSB shall approve a conditional waiver prior to review by the full Board Waiver Committee and final decision of the full Board.
  4. Conditional Waiver
    1. A conditional waiver is exceptional relief granted in limited circumstances.
    2. The granting of a conditional waiver does not limit the Board’s ability to deny the waiver once presented to the full Board.
  5. Acknowledgement of Waiver Request
    1. The Executive Director shall send a letter to the applicant notifying him/her of the date, time, and location of the Board Waiver Committee Meeting as well as the Board meeting at which his/her request will be considered.
    2. If the application included a request for a conditional waiver, the Executive Director shall inform the applicant of the status (approved/not approved) of the conditional waiver request.
  6. Recommendation by Waiver Committee
    1. The Waiver Committee shall review the request for waiver, along with any attached supporting documentation submitted by the applicant in the presence of EPSB Staff in an open meeting prior to a regularly scheduled Board meeting.
    2. The Waiver Committee shall hear a presentation from EPSB staff regarding the waiver during its meeting and shall have the opportunity to ask EPSB staff questions.
    3. The Waiver Committee has the sole discretion in determining whether or not the waiver applicant may address the committee.
    4. The Waiver Committee shall formulate a recommendation to be made to the full Board at the next regularly scheduled Board meeting.
    5. When considering a waiver request, the Waiver Committee shall only recommend that the Board approve the waiver if the applicant has demonstrated extraordinary circumstances.
    6. The Waiver Committee shall make a recommendation to the Board.
  7. Final Decision by Board
    1. After receiving the committee’s recommendation, the Board shall vote in open session on the committee’s recommendation and render a final decision.
    2. The Board shall only grant waiver requests if the applicant demonstrates that extraordinary circumstances exist.
    3. The Executive Director shall notify the applicant in writing of the decision of the Board.
    4. Any waiver granted pursuant to KRS 161.028(1)(r) shall be subject to revocation if the person or institution falsifies information or fails to meet the intent of the waiver.
    5. Waivers are limited to a one-year period. If a waiver is sought for a period that exceeds one year, the applicant must reapply at the end of each one-year period.

5. Procedure: Board Administration

  • Approved April 10, 2017

I Purpose: This procedure describes the composition, powers, and duties of the Board, as defined by Kentucky Revised Statutes, and establishes procedures for the performance of its functions. In these procedures, the Board delegates certain responsibilities to the Executive Director to provide for the responsible and efficient administration of the Board and the accomplishment of the Board goals.

II. Authority.

  1. Executive Director of the EPSB.
    1. The Board recruits, selects, employs, and evaluates the Executive Director. KRS 161.028(1)(n).
    2. The Board authorizes the Executive Director to be responsible for the day-to-day operations of the EPSB pursuant to KRS 161.017(1) which includes, but is not limited to, the following:
      1. Setting up appropriate organizational structure and personnel policies for the EPSB;
      2. Appointing all staff, including the Deputy Executive Director;
      3. Preparing annual reports on the Board's program of work;
      4. Carrying out policy and program directives of the Board;
      5. Preparing and submitting to the Board for its approval a proposed biennial budget; and
      6. Performing all other duties and responsibilities assigned by state law.
    3. The Board authorizes the Executive Director to enter into agreements with any state agency or political subdivision of the state, any postsecondary education institution, or any other person or entity necessary to implement the duties and responsibilities of the Board. KRS 161.017(3).
    4. The Executive Director shall have access to the papers, books, and records of education personnel as part of an inquiry or investigation relating to disciplinary actions against a certified employee. KRS 161.017(4).
    5. The Executive Director is authorized pursuant to KRS 161.120 to issue administrative subpoenas for the attendance of witnesses and the production of documents relevant to disciplinary cases under consideration.
  2. Board
    1. The Board is a public board corporate and politic. KRS 161.028(1) with its membership requirement set forth in KRS 161.028(2).
    2. Board Membership
      1. Governor Appointments. The Board, appointed by the Governor, consists of fifteen (15) members who then must be confirmed by the Senate and the House of Representatives under KRS 11.160.
        1. Nine (9) members shall be teachers representing elementary, middle or junior high, secondary, special education, and secondary vocational classrooms;
        2. Two (2) members shall be school administrators, one (1) of whom shall be a school principal;
        3. One (1) member shall be a member of a local board of education; and
        4. Three (3) members shall be representatives of postsecondary institutions, two (2) of whom shall be deans of colleges of education at public universities and (1) of whom shall be the chief academic officer of an independent not-for-profit college or university.
      2. Ex Officio Voting Members. Two (2) members or their designees serve on the Board as ex officio voting members.
        1. The Commissioner of Education; and
        2. The President of the Council on Postsecondary Education.
  3. Board Officers
    1. Board Chair
      1. The Chair shall be selected by and from the membership. KRS 161.028(2)(f).
      2. The Chair shall be selected the by the membership at the August meeting or later, at the discretion of the Board, in accordance with the Board Meeting Procedure.
      3. The Chair of the Board shall serve no more than three (3) one (1) year terms in succession as chair. KRS 161.028(2)(f).
      4. The Chair shall encourage full participation in decision making; conduct/chair board meetings; sign orders on behalf of the Board; make reports at board meetings; form committees.
    2. Vice Chair
      1. The Vice Chair shall also be selected by and from the membership in accordance at the August meeting or later, at the discretion of the Board, in accordance with Board's Election of Officers Procedure.
      2. The Vice Chair of the Board shall serve no more than three (3) one (1) year terms in succession as Vice Chair.
      3. The Vice Chair shall assume the responsibilities and assist Chair as necessary.
    3. Secretary
      1. While the Executive Director is ultimately responsible for keeping records of the board meetings pursuant to KRS 161.028(2)(f), the Executive Director may delegate the role of Board Secretary to an EPSB staff member.
      2. The Secretary shall be responsible for keeping the minutes of all meetings, issues notices of meetings, and provides for the publication and distribution of the minutes in accordance with instructions from the Board

III. Standing and Ad Hoc Committees

  1. The purpose of standing and ad hoc committees is to assist the Board in its oversight role by gathering information, discussing, and providing advice on policy proposals prior to their coming before the entire Board. Members of the general public may attend any committee meeting. An individual desiring to address a particular committee or otherwise participate in a committee meeting should contact the committee chair.
  2. Standing Committee
    1. General Rules
      1. Unless otherwise provided in the Board Procedures, membership of standing committees shall include at least three (3) members of the Board including the committee chair.
      2. Unless otherwise provided in the Board Procedures, committee members shall be appointed by the Chair of the Board for one (1) year terms.
      3. Unless otherwise provided in the Board Procedures, the Chair of the Board shall select the Chair for each committee from the board members.
      4. Board members may be reappointed to a committee for consecutive terms.
      5. Any vacancy occurring before the expiration of the term of the appointment shall be filled for the unexpired term.
      6. A quorum of the Committee members must be present in order to conduct business.
    2. Types
      1. Officer Nomination Committee
        1. Selection of committee members shall be made at the first spring meeting of the Board. Vacancies may be filled at any meeting of the Board.
        2. The Nomination Committee shall be responsible for providing nominations for the Chair and the Vice Chair on an as needed basis in accordance with the Board Election of Officers Procedure.
        3. Meetings may be held as necessary at the call of the Chair.
      2. Executive Director Evaluation Committee
        1. Selection of committee members shall be made at the first spring meeting of the Board. Vacancies may be filled at any meeting of the Board.
        2. This committee is responsible for ensuring that the Board completes a mid-year evaluation in accordance with Board Executive Director Evaluation Procedure.
        3. Meetings may be held as necessary at the call of the Chair.
      3. Waiver Request Committee
        1. The waiver committee shall consist three (3) Board members. One (1) committee member shall be a Board member who serving as a teacher representative; one (1) committee member shall be a Board member who is serving as an administrator representative; and one (1) committee member shall be a Board member who is serving as a postsecondary representative. An alternate waiver committee member shall also be selected. The alternate waiver committee member will only serve if one
        2. of the other members of the committee are unavailable to attend a committee meeting.
        3. Selection of committee members shall be made at the first spring meeting of the Board. Vacancies may be filled at any meeting of the Board.
        4. The waiver committee is responsible for reviewing waiver requests pursuant to KRS 161.028(r) with Education Professional Standards Board staff and for making recommendations on those waivers to the full Board in accordance with the Board Waiver Request Procedure.
        5. Meetings shall immediately precede meetings of the Board unless another time is designated by the Committee Chair.
  3. Ad Hoc Committees
    1. Ad hoc committees may be established and appointed at any time by the Chair and with such charge as the Board Chair may determine.
    2. Ad hoc committees shall carry out their duties as specified and report to the Board. Such committees shall function until discharged, unless otherwise stipulated in the specific Committee Charter. Membership may include Board members, and it may also include persons who are not Board members.

IV. Board Statutory Authority and Responsibilities: The Board's statutory authority and areas of responsibility are set forth in KRS 161.028(1)(a) - (x) and KRS 161.028(2)(g):

  1. Establish standards and requirements for obtaining and maintaining a teaching certificate;
  2. Set standards for, approve, and evaluate college, university, and school district programs for the preparation of teachers and other professional school personnel. Program standards shall reflect national standards and shall address, at a minimum, the following:
    1. The alignment of programs with the state's core content for assessment as defined in KRS 158.6457;
    2. Research-based classroom practices, including effective classroom management techniques;
    3. Emphasis on subject matter competency of teacher education students;
    4. Methodologies to meet diverse educational needs of all students;
    5. The consistency and quality of classroom and field experiences, including early practicums and student teaching experiences;
    6. The amount of college-wide or university-wide involvement and support during the preparation as well as the induction of new teachers;
    7. The diversity of faculty;
    8. The effectiveness of partnerships with local school districts; and
    9. The performance of graduates on various measures as determined by the board;
  3. Conduct an annual review of diversity in teacher preparation programs;
  4. Provide assistance to universities and colleges in addressing diversity, which may include researching successful strategies and disseminating the information, encouraging the development of nontraditional avenues of recruitment and providing incentives, waiving administrative regulations when needed, and other assistance as deemed necessary;
  5. Discontinue approval of programs that do not meet standards or whose graduates do not perform according to criteria set by the board;
  6. Issue, renew, revoke, suspend, or refuse to issue or renew; impose probationary or supervisory conditions upon; issue a written reprimand or admonishment; or any combination of actions regarding any certificate;
  7. Develop specific guidelines to follow upon receipt of an allegation of sexual misconduct by an employee certified by the Education Professional Standards Board. The guidelines shall include investigation, inquiry, and hearing procedures which ensure the process does not revictimize the alleged victim or cause harm if an employee is falsely accused;
  8. Receive, along with investigators hired by the Education Professional Standards Board, training on the dynamics of sexual misconduct of professionals, including the nature of this abuse of authority, characteristics of the offender, the impact on the victim, the possibility and the impact of false accusations, investigative procedures in sex offense cases, and effective intervention with victims and offenders;
  9. Recommend to the Kentucky Board of Education the essential data elements relating to teacher preparation and certification, teacher supply and demand, teacher attrition, teacher diversity, and employment trends to be included in a state comprehensive data and information system and periodically report data to the Interim Joint Committee on Education;
  10. Submit reports to the Governor and the Legislative Research Commission and inform the public on the status of teaching in Kentucky;
  11. Devise a credentialing system that provides alternative routes to gaining certification and greater flexibility in staffing local schools while maintaining standards for teacher competence;
  12. Develop a professional code of ethics;
  13. Set the qualifications and salary for the positions of executive director and deputy executive director to the board, notwithstanding the provisions of KRS 64.640;
  14. Recruit, select, employ and evaluate the executive director to the board;
  15. Approve employment procedures for the employment of policy level staff, subject to the provisions of KRS 12.050;
  16. Approve the biennial budget request;
  17. Charge reasonable fees for the issuance, reissuance, and renewal of certificates that are established by administrative regulation. The proceeds shall be used to meet a portion of the costs of the issuance, reissuance, and renewal of certificates, and the costs associated with disciplinary action against a certificate holder under KRS 161.120;
  18. Waive a requirement that may be established in an administrative regulation promulgated by the board. A request for a waiver shall be submitted to the board, in writing, by an applicant for certification, a postsecondary institution, or a superintendent of a local school district, with appropriate justification for the waiver. The board may approve the request if the person or institution seeking the waiver has demonstrated extraordinary circumstances justifying the waiver. Any waiver granted under this subsection shall be subject to revocation if the person or institution falsifies information or subsequently fails to meet the intent of the waiver;
  19. Promote the development of one (1) or more innovative, nontraditional or alternative administrator or teacher preparation programs through public or private colleges or universities, private contractors, the Department of Education, or the Kentucky Commonwealth Virtual University and waive administrative regulations if needed in order to implement the program;
  20. Grant approval, if appropriate, of a university's request for an alternative program that enrolls an administrator candidate in a postbaccalaureate administrator preparation program concurrently with employment as an assistant principal, principal, assistant superintendent, or superintendent in a local school district. An administrator candidate in the alternative program shall be granted a temporary provisional certificate and shall be a candidate in the Kentucky Principal Internship Program, notwithstanding provisions of KRS 161.030, or the Superintendent's Assessment process, notwithstanding provisions of KRS 156.111, as appropriate. The temporary certificate shall be valid for a maximum of two (2) years, and shall be contingent upon the candidate's continued enrollment in the preparation program and compliance with all requirements established by the board. A professional certificate shall be issued upon the candidate's successful completion of the program, internship requirements, and assessments as required by the board;
  21. Employ consultants as needed;
  22. Enter into contracts. Disbursements to professional educators who receive less than one thousand dollars ($1,000) in compensation per fiscal year from the board
  23. for serving on an assessment validation panel or as a test scorer or proctor shall not be subject to KRS 45A.690 to 45A.725;
  24. Sponsor studies, conduct research, conduct conferences, and publish information as appropriate;
  25. Issue orders as necessary in any administrative action before the board; and
  26. As set for in 161.028(2)(g), to carry out the functions relating to its duties and responsibilities, the board is empowered to receive donations and grants of funds; to appoint consultants as needed; and to sponsor studies, conduct conferences, and publish information.

V. Board Action

  1. Any action relating to the Board’s statutory authority or areas of responsibility are set forth in KRS 161.028(1)(a) - (x) and KRS 161.028(2)(g) will require Board approval.
  2. EPSB staff shall bring before the Board any actions that require Board approval first as an information item and then as an action item.
  3. The Board shall consider the recommendations of EPSB staff and then approve, modify, or deny the action proposed.

6. Procedure: Expense Reimbursement

  • Approved November 8, 1999
  • Amended March 22, 2004 (with retroactive approval from May 17, 2004)
  • Amended on June 18, 2007 (with retroactive approval from January 1, 2007)

Pursuant to 200 KAR 2:006 (8) (1) (h), members of the Kentucky Education Professional Standards Board ("the Board") shall be entitled to reimbursement for actual and necessary expenses incurred when on official state business.

Requests for participation and funding to attend non-Board meetings shall be made in advance and in writing to the Chair. In considering approval, the Chair shall consider only those requests that: 1) address adopted board priorities and goals, 2) can be funded within the Board budget, and 3) demonstrate that presence at the meeting is in the interest of the Board. If approved by the Chair, the Board member shall file a written report with the Chair immediately following the approved meeting for inclusion as an information item as part of the Chair’s report at the next Board meeting.

Within provisions of IRS requirements, the following guidelines shall apply to board members carrying out Board business.

Guidelines for expenditures:

  1. Lodging shall be reimbursed at reasonable, actual expense; a receipt is required. No reimbursement shall be made for expenses incurred by or on behalf of other persons. For direct-billed lodging charges, a Board member must pay for any nights not authorized for payment. Personal incidental charges such as movies, bar tabs, etc. are not authorized and must be paid by the board member when checking out. "Direct-billed" should be written on the expense reimbursement form when hotel charges have been direct-billed.
  2. Meals shall be reimbursed at actual expense including tax and gratuities (not to exceed 20%) upon the submission of receipts. A credit card receipt shall be accepted for a meal if the receipt prepared by the establishment clearly shows that it is a receipt for a meal.
  3. Mileage claims for the use of privately-owned vehicles shall be reimbursed at the amount allowed by the state travel regulations. Reimbursement for the actual cost of commercial transportation shall be made upon submission of original receipts.
  4. When a Board member is on Board business during school hours, the cost of a substitute shall be reimbursed to the member’s district.
  5. Reimbursement may only be made upon submission of a signed Miscellaneous Expense Voucher detailing the daily incurred expenses, along with original receipts. Requests for reimbursement shall be submitted no later than 30 days after the expenses are incurred. If special circumstances exist that prevent a Board member from submitting a reimbursement form within 30 days, the member shall notify the chair and request an extension.
  6. Commercial airline travel shall be the lowest negotiated coach or tourist class. Roundtrip or other negotiated reduced-rate plane fares shall be obtained if practical. The traveler’s copy of the ticket must be attached to the expense reimbursement form. No photocopies are permitted. If the ticket is direct billed or an "E"-Ticket (electronic ticket) is issued, "Direct-billed" or "E-Ticket" shall be written on the reimbursement form where the air cost would have been entered and the traveler’s copy is attached.
  7. Airport parking for the period of the business trip is reimbursable (as is taxi fare should a Board member choose to not drive to the airport and park; however, taxi fare should not exceed the cost of driving and parking). Original receipts are required.
  8. Business air travel is reimbursed at coach, super-saver or other economy fares. The traveler’s copy of the ticket (passenger "coupon" or red copy) must be attached to the expense reimbursement form. No photocopies are permitted. If the ticket is direct-billed or an "E"-Ticket (electronic ticket) is issued, "Direct-billed" or "E-Ticket" is written on the reimbursement form where the air cost would have been entered and the traveler’s copy is attached.
  9. Travel advances are not available for travel. With adequate notice, airfare and registration may be pre-paid by the Board.
  10. Additional expenses shall be reimbursed only with prior approval of Chair.
  11. Expense reimbursement forms with questionable expenses or with expenses that exceed these guidelines will be held by staff for review by the Chair. The Chair may review the expenses with the Board member submitting the request before determining whether to approve the request.

7. Procedure: Waiver of Six Additional Hours for Program Completers Lacking a Passing Praxis Score

  • Approved August 26, 2002

Pursuant to KRS 161.100 and 16 KAR 2:120, the Education Professional Standards Board ("the Board") issues emergency certificates to applicants when no qualified teachers are available for a vacant position. Applicants for emergency certification must have a minimum of a bachelor’s degree. Emergency certificates are valid for one-year and are renewable with the completion of six (6) semester hours credit toward an educator preparation degree.

However, emergency certificates may also be issued to education program completers who have not yet passed the required PRAXIS assessments. In these cases, the renewal requirement of six (6) additional semester hours is illogical because the applicants have completed all required education coursework. Accordingly, for education preparation program completers, the Board will issue an emergency certificate for one additional year without any requirement of additional hours, pending a successful score on the applicable PRAXIS assessment.

All subsequent certificate renewals shall require the completion of six (6) additional semester hours.

8. Procedure: Rounding Policy for Grade Point Average Tabulation

  • Approved November 19, 2001
  • Amended August 26, 2002

Pursuant to KRS 161.028, the Education Professional Standards Board ("the Board") is required to establish the standards for obtaining and maintaining a certificate. The Board has adopted minimum grade point average (GPA) requirements for admission to educator preparation, entrance to student teaching, and certificate application. These requirements are reflected in Title 16 of the Kentucky Administrative Regulations. For purposes of tabulating a GPA to meet these requirements, the Board directs staff to use the following procedures:

A 2.450 GPA shall be rounded up to a 2.5. All GPAs between a 2.450 and 2.499 shall be rounded up to a 2.5.

A 2.950 GPA shall be rounded up to a 3.0. All GPAs between a 2.950 and 2.999 shall be rounded up to a 3.0.

GPA shall be rounded up by 5/100 of a point when favorable to the teacher candidate or certificate applicant.

9. Procedure: Accreditation of Preparation Programs

  • Approved November 8, 1999
  • Amended August 26, 2002

Pursuant to KRS 161.028, the Education Professional Standards Board (hereinafter "the Board") is required to approve and evaluate college and university programs for the preparation of teachers and other professional school personnel. The Board has adopted and implemented this accreditation process through 16 KAR 5:010. The Board interprets its responsibility under the statute and regulation to apply to all teacher preparation programs operating in Kentucky regardless of the geographical location of the parent institution. This interpretation corresponds with the licensure policy of the Council on Postsecondary Education (hereinafter "CPE").

The CPE’s licensure policy for "nonpublic" colleges is governed by KRS 164.945 to 164.947. The definition of "college" under this statute range includes those "private colleges located outside of Kentucky but which operate in Kentucky, and public colleges located outside of Kentucky but which operate in Kentucky." The CPE has promulgated administrative regulation 13 KAR 1:020, Licensing of private colleges, to implement the requirements of these statutes. This regulation sets forth the following general requirements:

  1. A college that offers courses or conducts academic programs in Kentucky shall be licensed.
  2. An out-of-state college shall be licensed separately for each instructional site in Kentucky.
  3. A college that awards a diploma, associate degree, baccalaureate degree, master’s degree, doctoral degree, or other degree, whether the degree is earned or honorary, shall be licensed. If a college’s program also is required to be licensed or approved by another state agency as well as the Council on Postsecondary Education, the executive director shall attempt to coordinate the licensing function with that agency.

(Note: It has been the stated and applied policy of the CPE that it will not approve a teacher education program that has not first been approved by the Board.)

Accordingly, the Board interprets the language in 16 KAR 5:010(2) requiring accreditation of all "Kentucky Institution(s)" as "a condition of offering a teacher licensure or certification program or a program leading to rank change" to include all teacher preparation programs operating in Kentucky that require licensure by the CPE.

10. Procedures Regarding Board Meetings

  • Approved October 16, 2016
  • Revised June 18, 2018

I. The Education Professional Standards Board (EPSB) shall meet on the second Monday of even numbered months, except for the months of June and August.  In June and August, the EPSB shall meet on the third Monday of the month. 

II. A Chair shall be elected by and from the membership.  A Board member shall be eligible to serve as Chair no more than three (3) one (1) year terms.  KRS 161.028(2)(f).

III. Special meetings may be called by the Chair or by the majority of the members of the EPSB pursuant to KRS 61.823. The business transacted at special meetings shall be specified in the notice of the meeting.

IV. All meetings are to be held beginning at 9:00 a.m. Eastern Time zone at 100 Airport Road, 3rd Floor, Frankfort, Kentucky 40601 unless otherwise specified by a majority vote of the EPSB. 

  1. The meetings of the EPSB shall be open to the public.
    1. The EPSB and its committees shall operate in compliance with the provisions of the Open Meetings Law. (KRS 61.800-KRS 61.850)
    2. The most recent version of Robert's Rules of Order shall be observed in conducting the business of the EPSB except as these may be modified by regulations adopted by the Board members.
  2. A majority of the voting members of the EPSB (excluding vacant positions) constitutes a quorum.  Any meeting of the EPSB, if a quorum is not present, may be adjourned by the members attending to a time when a quorum shall be present.

V. For regularly scheduled meetings, the agenda shall be released to the general public at least three (3) full business days prior to the Board meeting. “Business day” means Monday through Friday, excluding official state holidays.

VI. The Executive Director and EPSB staff shall make every effort to ensure that the agenda book and all relevant supporting materials are made electronically available to the Board ten (10) calendar days prior to the meeting date. 

  1. In an effort to ensure effective and efficient processing of Board actions relating to certification, the EPSB staff may supply Board members with additional review materials electronically four (4) calendar days prior to the meeting date.  Additional materials may be available to the Board on the day of the Board meeting at the discretion of the Executive Director.
  2. All meeting materials are available to the Board electronically.
  3. Board members are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of the materials provided to them.

VII. A Board member who does not have access to a home computer may request the use of an agency laptop for use to prepare for Board meetings.  If a Board member uses an agency laptop, the Board member shall be subject to the agency’s Acceptable Use Policy.

VIII. The EPSB staff will arrange for the preparation of meeting minutes that set forth an accurate record of votes and actions at such meetings. The EPSB staff will ensure that the meeting minutes are promptly recorded and posted to the EPSB website at reasonable times no later than immediately following the next regular meeting of the EPSB. (KRS 61.835)

IX. All necessary expenses incurred by the Board members in traveling to and from and while attending meetings of the EPSB are designated to be paid out of the funds of the EPSB. (200 KAR 2:006(8)(1)(h))

X. The order of business at EPSB meetings normally is as follows:

  • Call to Order
  • Roll Call
  • Approval of Meeting Agenda 
  • Open Speak
  • Approval of Consent Items
  • Report of the Executive Director
  • Report of the Chair
  • Information/Discussion Items
  • Action Items
  • Certification Review and Revocation: Pending Litigation Review
  • Adjournment