Reports, Forms and other Documents

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Board Meeting Presentations Recommendations from Rank II Committee Implementation October 2017

Staff update on changes that would need to occur and possible implications of those changes.

Powerpoint 2007 presentation Recommendations from Rank II Committee Implementation October 2017.pptx
Board Meeting Presentations Biennial Budget Request Presentation

Requested biennial budget presentation

Powerpoint 2007 presentation Budget Presentation October 2017.pptx
Board Meeting Presentations Career Ladder Presentation

Overview of current career ladder system (Rank or Steps and Lanes system) and an example of a different system.

Powerpoint 2007 presentation board presentation October 2017.pptx
Board Meeting Presentations Teaching and Learning Career Pathway by Kelly Stidham, KDE

Teaching and Learning Career Pathway Update from KDE

Powerpoint 2007 presentation Teaching and Learning Career Pathway for EPSB.pptx
Board Meeting Presentations October 9 2017 Board Meeting highlights
Disclaimer: The following is a synopsis of events from the October 9, 2017, EPSB Board meeting and is not the official minutes. The official minutes will be approved at the next Board meeting and posted on the EPSB website.
PDF document October 9 2017 Board Meeting highlights.pdf
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