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Policies and Procedures

2. Procedure: Election of Officers

  • Approved July 1996
  • Amended June 2, 1999; May 14, 2001; August 26, 2002; March 20, 2006

Pursuant to KRS 161.028, the Education Professional Standards Board (“the Board”) is required to elect a Chair from the membership. A member shall be eligible to serve no more than three, one-year terms in succession as Chair. The following procedure shall be followed regarding election of the Chair and Vice-Chair.

  1. The election of the Chair and Vice-Chair shall be conducted at a regular meeting of the Board in August or later, at the discretion of the Board.
  2. Nominations for Chair shall be accepted from a nominating committee appointed by the Chair or from the floor.
  3. Voting shall be conducted in Open Session.
  4. In case of a tie, voting among the top two candidates shall follow the first ballot when three or more candidates are nominated. When only two candidates are nominated and a tie vote is recorded, balloting shall continue until the tie is broken.
  5. The nomination and election of the Vice-Chair shall be conducted in the same manner as that of the Chair.
  6. Officers shall assume their duties at the September meeting following the election or at the next meeting (regular or called) of the Board if the election is conducted in September or later.
  7. If an elected officer is not eligible to continue to serve, or resigns from office, an election for that office shall be conducted at the next regular meeting of the Board following notification of ineligibility or resignation. If the office vacated is that of Chair, the Vice-Chair shall assume duties and responsibilities of the Chair until an election for Chair is conducted.
  8. If the term of appointment of elected Board officers expires before the annual election, the Board shall designate a member of the Board to act as Chair until the election is conducted.
  9. In the event of the absence of the Chair, and the inability of the Vice-Chair to preside or the absence of the Vice-Chair, some other member of the Board shall call the meeting to order; and the Board shall immediately elect a Chair Pro-Tem to preside during that session. The office of Chair Pro-Tem shall terminate upon the return or availability of the Chair or Vice-Chair.
  10. If the Board elects a Chair Pro-Tem to hold office beyond the current session (in the event that the Chair and Vice-Chair are unable to perform their duties for that length of time), notice must be given at the preceding meeting or in the call of the meeting at which such election is held.

Roles and Responsibilities of Officers and Board Members


  • Encourage full participation in decision making.
  • Set agenda in consultation with Executive Director.
  • Conduct/chair meeting.
  • Reflect decisions and policies of the Board.
  • Assume leadership role in legislative effort.
  • Serve as contact for other pertinent organizations, e.g., KEA, KASA, KSBA, within KDE, etc.
  • Make reports at Board meetings as needed.
  • Determine committee composition with consent of Board.
  • Review and make suggestions on continuing needs for committees.

Vice Chair

  • Assume responsibilities and assist Chair as necessary.

All Board Members

  • Attend meetings regularly.
  • Prepare for meetings.
  • Speak with one voice on decisions and policies approved by the Board.
  • Serve on committees.
  • Communicate the work of the Board to constituency groups(s).
  • Assist in communication process to reach Board goals.
  • Model the Professional Code of Ethics for Kentucky School Certified Personnel.
  • Adhere to the Professional Conduct Procedure.
  • Adhere to the Code of Ethics for Education Professional Standards Board Members.