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Policies and Procedures

10. Procedures Regarding Board Meetings

  • Approved October 16, 2016
  • Revised June 18, 2018

I. The Education Professional Standards Board (EPSB) shall meet on the second Monday of even numbered months, except for the months of June and August.  In June and August, the EPSB shall meet on the third Monday of the month. 

II. A Chair shall be elected by and from the membership.  A Board member shall be eligible to serve as Chair no more than three (3) one (1) year terms.  KRS 161.028(2)(f).

III. Special meetings may be called by the Chair or by the majority of the members of the EPSB pursuant to KRS 61.823. The business transacted at special meetings shall be specified in the notice of the meeting.

IV. All meetings are to be held beginning at 9:00 a.m. Eastern Time zone at 100 Airport Road, 3rd Floor, Frankfort, Kentucky 40601 unless otherwise specified by a majority vote of the EPSB. 

  1. The meetings of the EPSB shall be open to the public.
    1. The EPSB and its committees shall operate in compliance with the provisions of the Open Meetings Law. (KRS 61.800-KRS 61.850)
    2. The most recent version of Robert's Rules of Order shall be observed in conducting the business of the EPSB except as these may be modified by regulations adopted by the Board members.
  2. A majority of the voting members of the EPSB (excluding vacant positions) constitutes a quorum.  Any meeting of the EPSB, if a quorum is not present, may be adjourned by the members attending to a time when a quorum shall be present.

V. For regularly scheduled meetings, the agenda shall be released to the general public at least three (3) full business days prior to the Board meeting. “Business day” means Monday through Friday, excluding official state holidays.

VI. The Executive Director and EPSB staff shall make every effort to ensure that the agenda book and all relevant supporting materials are made electronically available to the Board ten (10) calendar days prior to the meeting date. 

  1. In an effort to ensure effective and efficient processing of Board actions relating to certification, the EPSB staff may supply Board members with additional review materials electronically four (4) calendar days prior to the meeting date.  Additional materials may be available to the Board on the day of the Board meeting at the discretion of the Executive Director.
  2. All meeting materials are available to the Board electronically.
  3. Board members are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of the materials provided to them.

VII. A Board member who does not have access to a home computer may request the use of an agency laptop for use to prepare for Board meetings.  If a Board member uses an agency laptop, the Board member shall be subject to the agency’s Acceptable Use Policy.

VIII. The EPSB staff will arrange for the preparation of meeting minutes that set forth an accurate record of votes and actions at such meetings. The EPSB staff will ensure that the meeting minutes are promptly recorded and posted to the EPSB website at reasonable times no later than immediately following the next regular meeting of the EPSB. (KRS 61.835)

IX. All necessary expenses incurred by the Board members in traveling to and from and while attending meetings of the EPSB are designated to be paid out of the funds of the EPSB. (200 KAR 2:006(8)(1)(h))

X. The order of business at EPSB meetings normally is as follows:

  • Call to Order
  • Roll Call
  • Approval of Meeting Agenda 
  • Open Speak
  • Approval of Consent Items
  • Report of the Executive Director
  • Report of the Chair
  • Information/Discussion Items
  • Action Items
  • Certification Review and Revocation: Pending Litigation Review
  • Adjournment