Getting Started With CEO

Continuing Education Option
Getting Started With CEO, Section 5


You will spend approximately ten months building your CEO Plan. The following summarizes each lesson: 

PHASE I: Lesson 1 - Developing a CEO Vision
 Lesson 1 Course Objectives
  • Determine instructional growth needs and current proficiency levels in the three following areas: instructional content, instructional strategy, and leadership skills.
  • Complete the Self-Assessment Questionnaire to identify growth needs and areas of proficiency.
  • Establish a vision for the CEO process by summarizing the projected impact of the CEO process on classroom teaching and student learning.
  • Examine the CEO Plan Scoring Rubric.
Lesson 1 engages you in a self-study of your individual professional growth needs through the completion of the Self-Assessment Questionnaire. You will be asked to rank your comfort, expertise, and skill in the instructional content disciplines, instructional strategies, and leadership areas. You will list PD growth activities in which you have participated, including the impact of each. The lesson ends with a personal narrative outlining your vision for CEO. This narrative will serve as an introduction to your submitted CEO Plan.

PHASE I: Lesson 2 - Developing Profiles and Supported Needs
Lesson 2 Course Objectives
  • List and describe the three types of profiles (teacher, school, and community) utilizing demographic research data.
  • Utilize measurable data to identify and develop school needs in content discipline, teaching strategies, and leadership skills.
  • Identify and develop teacher needs in content discipline, teaching strategy and leadership skills by correlating these needs to your CEO vision.
  • Develop needs statements connecting the three teacher and school instructional needs.
  • Identify a leadership project based upon established needs of the students/school/district using the Leadership Project Template and aligning with the Leadership Project Guide.
  • Identify graduate courses that best align with the CEO Plan.
  • Draft formal reflection journal entries.
Lesson 2 guides you through the process of developing and supporting an in-depth determination of needs in the three areas of CEO:
  • Instructional Content
  • Instructional Strategy
  • Leadership Skills

You will research and utilize official school and community documents to disseminate data pertinent to providing supporting evidence of need in each respective area. You will generate comprehensive teacher, school, and community profiles that should substantiate your statements of needs. The identified needs must connect to the personal vision created in lesson one. You will construct a leadership project plan based upon the Leadership Project Guide that aligns to the growth needs of the students/school/district. With your coach, you will develop a list of possible graduate course offerings from universities that support your plan.

PHASE I: Lesson 3 - Developing CEO Goals and Objectives
Lesson 3 Course Objectives
  • Write an instructional goal for each of the three required areas:  instructional content, instructional strategies, and leadership skills.
  • Write three teacher and three student objectives that correspond with the three instructional goals.
  • Develop an instructional unit using action research.
  • Draft formal reflection journal entries.
Lesson 3 provides an overall direction and context for the plan. It defines the steps undertaken to develop the instructional unit through action research based upon your goals and objectives. You will develop a broad goal statement for each of the three areas: instructional content, instructional strategy, and leadership skills. All three areas require both teacher and student objectives. Because the premise of the CEO rank change program is based on continuous teacher and student growth over time, it is imperative that you develop broad goals and measurable objectives. The achievement of these goals and objectives must be judged by measurable evidence. Content and strategy goals with measurable objectives must focus on one or more of Kentucky’s six learner goals and correspond to the State Content Standards and the National Content Standards. The Leadership Project goal and objectives must be focused on standard ten of the Kentucky Teacher Standards Advanced-Level Performances. Goals and objectives must reflect needs determined and evidenced in the previous lesson.
PHASE I: Lesson 4 - The Kentucky Teacher Standards Advanced-Level Performances
Lesson 4 Course Objectives
Examine the CEO Portfolio Scoring Rubric.
  • Use the CEO Portfolio Scoring Rubric to project and select potential artifacts as evidence.
  • Draft formal reflection journal entries.
Expanding your comprehension of the Kentucky Teacher Standards Advanced-Level Performances. and behavioral indicators included on the scoring rubric is critical to the development of the CEO Plan and completed portfolio. Giving thorough attention to this lesson and assignment will prove invaluable as you begin to collect evidence to support your project goals and objectives.

PHASE I: Lesson 5 - Identifying Appropriate Professional Development
Lesson 5 Course Objectives
  • Identify specific professional development resources and/or activities.
  • Create a spreadsheet of specific professional development resources and/or activities.
  • Develop a plan for the Leadership Project.
  • Discuss graduate courses (6 credit hours) that best align to the teachers’ needs as reflected in the CEO Plan.
  • Determine appropriate professional development growth activities in content discipline, teaching strategy, leadership skill, and graduate courses.
  • Draft formal reflection journal entries.
Lesson 5 examines the range and types of professional development activities that will help you accomplish the goals targeted in previous lessons. You will explore professional growth activities, levels, and characteristics of high-quality PD as established by The Elementary and Secondary Education Act.. The focus will be on identifying a variety of professional development activities that must relate to your established growth needs, goals and objectives, and facilitate your professional growth from the awareness level to refinement and implementation. Teacher growth activities will correlate to high levels of student learning. Six credit hours of graduate courses related to the CEO Plan will also be considered in identifying your professional development needs.
PHASE I: Lesson 6 - Sequencing and Summarizing CEO
Lesson 6 Course Objectives
  • Construct a CEO time line.
  • Create a CEO Plan summary.
  • Identify needed revisions within the CEO Plan.
  • Establish a realistic time line of professional development activities.
  • Describe how the CEO Plan addresses the identified needs of the three required areas of instructional content, instructional strategies, and leadership skills.
  • Summarize how the CEO Plan’s activities impact student learning.
  • Draft formal reflection journal entries.

Lesson 6 establishes the formation of the completed CEO Plan. For your completed Plan you will:
  • assemble the previously completed segments into one document, editing, revising and refining as needed, in terms of the Kentucky Teacher Standards Advanced-Level Performances.
  • establish a realistic time line which shows the anticipated progression of the whole CEO process, including the activities presented in your plan, the Leadership Project, and the six credit hours of graduate courses. The time line will define when and in what sequence the activities will take place.
  • assemble photocopies of support data to be included as an appendix to the plan.
  • compose a 500 - 1000 word summary that describes how your CEO Plan addressed the identified needs and will impact student learning.
Your cohort members will be invaluable peer reviewers at this stage. It would also be appropriate and relevant to include your mentor(s), school administrators, and colleagues in the review of your plan. At this point ensure that your work is professionally articulated, concise, complete and informative.
PHASE I: Lesson 7 - Using the CEO Plan Rubric to Self Score the Plan
Lesson 7 Course Objectives
  • Complete the CEO Plan.
  • Utilize the CEO Plan Rubric to self score your plan.
  • Organize and complete the CEO Plan for self and peer review.
  • Identify the necessary components of the CEO Plan Rubric.
  • Prepare the CEO Plan for external scoring before proceeding with the implementation of your plan.
  • Draft formal reflection journal entries.

Lesson 7 will familiarize you with the highly focused CEO Plan Rubric for scoring your plan (not to be confused with the Portfolio Scoring Rubric), and present the opportunity for you to evaluate your plan to ensure that it meets the high standard of expectation on each component.

As you organize the CEO Plan components take the opportunity to refine pieces as needed. A guide to ethical portfolio development is included in this lesson along with the official ethics agreement that must be included with both your plan and finalized portfolio. At this point, your plan is completed and ready to be submitted for review by your CEO coach. Your coach does not make the final determination of a successful plan. Begin final preparations for the submission of your CEO Plan for external scoring by the EPSB.  
Do not implement your plan until you have completed all lessons of the CEO modules and you receive a letter from the EPSB stating that your plan has been approved.
PHASE I: Lesson 8 - Using Research to Support CEO
Lesson 8 Course Objectives
  • Locate and complete written online reviews of three professional publications.
  • Distinguish between research and action research.
  • Demonstrate ability to utilize a variety of professional resources and online research tools.
  • Implement a literature search process.
  • Align action research to the development of instructional units.
  • Utilize the appropriate instructional unit format.
  • Understand the requirement of a video presentation for an instructional unit.
  • Draft formal reflection journal entries.

Lesson 8 serves as an introduction to Phase II and the world of professional reading and research. In this lesson you will identify resources and strategies to support your plan and assist with the completion of the CEO process by experiencing online referencing through the Kentucky Virtual Library, the Internet, and searching professional literature. You will begin your literature search by locating and completing written reviews of three full-text articles which support your plan in the areas of Instructional Content, Instructional Strategies, and Leadership Skills. Use your research to develop and implement your instructional unit.

During Phase II you will have begun your leadership project and enrolled in graduate courses.


PHASE I: Lesson 9- Understanding Portfolio Design
Lesson 9 Course Objectives
  • Review the CEO completion process.
  • Submit your CEO Plan to the coach for review.
  • Acquire a signature by the coach that the plan has been reviewed.
  • Submit your CEO Plan to the EPSB for external scoring.
  • Understand the components of Phases II, III, and IV.
  • Identify the three binders of the CEO Portfolio.
  • Categorize the required elements of each binder of the CEO Portfolio.
  • Demonstrate your ability to utilize the CEO Template to select and locate artifacts.
  • Recognize how to produce effective electronic presentations of CEO activities.
  • Recognize how reflections document teacher and student growth throughout Phases II, III, and IV.
  • Draft a reflection journal entry. 

Lesson 9, still a part of Phase I with an introduction to Phases III and IV, presents an overview of the CEO Portfolio and will help you understand the portfolio design, specifically, the difference between the CEO Plan and CEO Portfolio. Review Standard 10 for different requirements for Rank I and Rank II. Required elements of the three binders are outlined to assist with demonstration and publication during Phase IV.  

Your completed CEO Plan is submitted to the external scoring team for approval. Work on the implementation of the plan will not begin until you receive a letter of approval from the EPSB. It is possible you may need to resubmit revisions for portions of your CEO Plan.

NOTE: Professional presentation is critical. Review spelling and grammar to ensure your portfolio reflects the professionalism commensurate to your rank change. Seek assistance from your colleagues so that you ensure your portfolio is a quality product.

Last modified: Wednesday, May 23, 2018, 1:25 PM