9.7 After the Scoring

Continuing Education Option
Understanding Portfolio Design
After the Scoring, Lesson 9. Section 7

After you submit your CEO Plan in either April, July or November, the scoring team will make a determination based on the CEO Professional Development Plan Rubric. The successful candidate will receive a letter from the EPSB stating that the CEO Plan has been approved, as well as a copy of the scores. The candidate may begin implementing the CEO Plan.


For the unsuccessful CEO Plan the following steps will be taken:

  • Unsuccessful letter: The EPSB will mail a letter describing the component(s) of the plan that was not successful.

  • Revisions binder: The candidate will submit a revisions binder addressing those areas identified by the scoring team.

  • Rescoring fee: The candidate will submit a rescoring fee by sending a certified check or money order for $50 payable to the Kentucky State Treasurer.

  • Scoring Window: The candidate may resubmit during the next available April, July or November window.


CEO Portfolio Scoring


After you submit your CEO Portfolio for the January, July, or October Scoring, the scoring team will make a determination based on the CEO Professional Development Portfolio Rubric. The successful candidate will receive a letter from the EPSB and a copy of the score sheet that indicates successful completion.


The successful candidate completes the following for acquiring a rank change:

  • Submit a CA-1 indicating: Continuing Education Option Rank (1 or 2) and the content. Example: Continuing Education Option: Rank 2, Math Content

  • Submit a copy of the successful letter with the CA-1.

  • Submit a $50 certified check or money order made payable to the Kentucky State Treasurer.


For the unsuccessful candidate the following steps will be taken:

  • Unsuccessful letter: A letter from the EPSB will be sent describing the standard(s) of the portfolio that was not successful.

  • Revisions binder: The candidate will resubmit a revisions binder addressing those areas identified by the scoring team.

  • Original portfolio: The candidate will need to resubmit the original portfolio in addition to the revisions binder.

  • Rescoring fee: The candidate will submit a certified check or money order for $140 per standard to be rescored made payable to the Kentucky State Treasurer.

  • Scoring Window: The candidate may resubmit during the next available January, July, or October scoring window.
Last modified: Monday, June 25, 2018, 1:49 PM