9.2 CEO Phases Revisited

Continuing Education Option
Understanding Portfolio Design
CEO Phases Revisited, Lesson 9. Section 2

It is important at this stage that you thoroughly understand the difference between the CEO Plan and Portfolio.

CEO Plan: The plan is the proposal, overview, and time line by which all other phases of the CEO are accomplished.

CEO Portfolio: The portfolio is the documentation that the goals and objectives established in the CEO Plan have been achieved.  Before submitting your CEO Portfolio for scoring you must submit the CEO Portfolio Submission Form to the EPSB as indicated in the form.

Phase I – Developing a CEO Vision  (Binder 1)

These lessons have guided you through the completion of Phase I.  Once your coach has reviewed your CEO Plan and signed your Plan Identification Sheet, your plan is submitted to the EPSB for scoring.  The original CEO Plan will be submitted in Binder 1 of your CEO Portfolio along with artifacts identified later in this lesson.

Phase II - Content Exploration and Research (Binder 2)

During Phase II, you will begin your research guided by your literature reviews. You will use your new knowledge to guide and enhance your professional growth, research, and planning for action research.

Regional cohorts meet monthly during this phase.  Additional assistance is available online for identifying references and resources and for planning and conducting action research.

During this phase you also will have enrolled in your graduate courses and begun your Leadership Project.

Using the instructional content and strategy information gathered from your professional development activities, you will create instructional units with well-developed daily lesson plans and multiple student assessments (action research). The instructional emphasis of the lessons must be correlated to the growth needs as established earlier in the CEO process. 

Phase III - Student Instruction and Assessment: Instructional Unit (Binder 2) 

During Phase III, you will implement your Professional Development and Growth Plan by actively engaging your students in the Action Research project you developed in Phase II. Your Action Research project includes lesson plans and student assessments. Through data analysis determine the impact of those lessons and assessments by evaluating student learning.

Support is provided through the continued monthly regional cohort meetings. The online resources utilized in Phases I and II continue to be available to you.

You should have successfully completed your graduate courses with an average GPA of 3.0and your leadership project based on the goals and leadership guide.

Phase IV – Professional Demonstration and Publication/Portfolio Submission (Binder 2)

During Phase IV, you will share the results of your professional learning experiences through several venues.

You can complete the requirements for Phase IV within several months timeframe. In compliance with the Kentucky Teacher Standards Advanced-Level Performances you will share results of your CEO Plan with educators within your school/district/state.

This phase is completed through submission of the CEO Portfolio to the EPSB.

Last modified: Monday, June 25, 2018, 1:47 PM