5.6 Compiling PD Activity Information-Assignment A

Continuing Education Option
Identifying Appropriate PD
Compiling PD Activity Information, Lesson 5. Section 6 Assignment A

In this section you will identify and organize potential professional development (PD) activities to support your plan’s goals and objectives. You will need to compile several pieces of information for each growth activity you have identified. Once compiled, you will then organize it into the template.

You are required to demonstrate how teacher growth activities significantly impact student learning over time. Teacher activities should be planned to produce results that provide evidence that you are meeting the goals and reaching the objectives set forth in your plan.

As you select and categorize specific potential PD activities, you will gather resource information on the CEO Professional Development Time Line and Activities Template. The template contains five tables that you must complete:

Table A: Graduate Courses
·        Course titles: must align to the job-embedded professional growth plan
·        Goal Area: content, instruction, or leadership
·        Proposed completion date
·        Impact on instruction and student achievement (100 words or less)

Tables B, C, and D:  Instructional Content, Instructional Strategies, and Leadership Skills
·        Activity: specific title
·        Description: 50 words or less
·        PD Level: awareness, application, management, refinement (remember that you are moving toward refinement)
·        HQ status: PD that does not meet the definition shall not be used for the CEO.
·        Proposed dates: beginning and ending.
·        Impact on instruction and student achievement (100 words or less)
·        Presenter Contact Information: If the PD is provided by the school/district use the school/district address

Participation in appropriate PD activities will provide evidence of your continued growth through the CEO process. You will continually add PD activities to your plan as you proceed through the remainder of the CEO phases. 
As you continue to develop professionally, you must be able to focus on PD activities that align with your CEO Goals and Objectives. The outcomes of activities must be demonstrated. When you find an opportunity for development, first consider its alignment to your goals and objectives and then define that alignment.
It would be unrealistic to think that every potential PD activity would be known during the course of drafting the CEO Plan. However, it is critical to include a basic overview of PD in your plan. The overview of PD activities is one part of the scoring component your coach will review prior to the CEO Plan being submitted for external scoring.

With your coach consider the questions below to help you justify the PD activities you are considering:
  • Will this experience provide me with new knowledge that addresses one of the identified needs from the CEO Plan?
  • Does the experience meet the state and federal definitions of high-quality professional development?
  • Can I relate the opportunity to goals and objectives in a convincing way?
  • Will the experience provide knowledge that can be shared?
  • Will the experience help me move from the awareness level to the refinement level?
  • Will I be able to measure the impact of the new knowledge on students?
  • Will I be able to gather artifacts to present in my final CEO Portfolio?
  • What types of artifacts will demonstrate that the PD activities helped me grow over-time and improved student achievement?
  • Which graduate courses will assist me in meeting the goals of my PD plan?
If you have answered these questions in a positive way, you probably have identified a PD activity that will be appropriate for your CEO Plan.

Assignment A: Developing Your CEO Professional Development Time Line and Activities
Using the CEO Professional Development Time Line and Activities Template, identify your professional development activities that you intend to use to meet the goals and objectives of your CEO Plan.

As you complete the phases of your CEO process you will make modifications to this document. These revisions will be identified according to the directions on the CEO Professional Development Time Line and Activities Template.

Now that your CEO Professional Development Time Line and Activities template is complete, attach your completed template to an e-mail and send it to your coach for review.
Last modified: Monday, June 4, 2018, 11:02 AM