3.8 Summary and Resources

Continuing Education Option
Developing CEO Goals and Objectives
Summary  Lesson 3. Section 8


In Lesson 3, you developed one goal statement for each of the three CEO areas of Instructional Content, Instructional Strategies, and Leadership Skills. In addition, you wrote three teacher and three student objectives (total of six) that reflect the three required CEO areas for instructional goals as described in the lesson content.  By developing instructional units to gather data on student success, you will collect evidence to demonstrate growth over time.

These goals and objectives will drive the remainder of your CEO Plan. You will identify and locate appropriate professional development activities that promote growth and provide evidence of the Kentucky Teacher Standards Advanced-Level Performances in Lesson 4.

Lesson 4 begins to examine the CEO Portfolio Rubric that is based on the Kentucky Teacher Standards Advanced-Level Performances. Even though you are still working on your CEO Plan, it is not too soon to look at the larger picture. The CEO Plan will include artifacts that provide evidence that you have met every indicator of every standard. These artifacts will be included in the CEO Portfolio.


All Things PLC

Benjamin Bloom   This text also appears in Prospects: the quarterly review of comparative education (Paris, UNESCO: International Bureau of Education), vol. XXX, no. 3, September 2000.©UNESCO: International Bureau of Education, 2000. This document may be reproduced free of charge as long as acknowledgement is made of the source.) See http://www.ibe.unesco.org/International/Publications/Thinkers/ThinkersPdf/bloome.pdf

Bloom's Taxonomy Verbs  

CEO Goals Template

CEO Objectives ABCD Template

CEO Objectives ABCD Template Example

CEO Objectives and Potential Evidence Template

CEO Objectives and Potential Evidence Template Example

CEO Objectives SMART Method Template

CEO Objectives SMART Method Template Example

College Readiness Standards

Criterion-Referenced Instruction Robert F. Mager), Steve Cox

Kentucky's Education Professional Standards Board

Kentucky Learner Goals and Academic Expectations

Kentucky System of Interventions

Kentucky Teacher Standards Advanced-Level Performances

National Content Standards

Response to Intervention Homepage

Samples of Goal Statements


State Content Standards

The Elementary and Secondary Education Act

Robert F. Mager, Goals and Objectives

Last modified: Monday, June 25, 2018, 3:14 PM