3.4 Writing Goals Techniques

Continuing Education Option
Developing CEO Goals and Objectives
Writing Goals Techniques. Lesson 3. Section 4 Assignment A

Once you have reviewed the needs developed in Lesson 2 and the purpose and goal development information in Lesson 3, you should be ready to begin writing your goals for each of the three areas listed in this lesson.  Robert F. Mager is considered to be the expert in writing effective goals and objectives. Several of his books and articles are available on the Internet.

Here are additional Websites with useful goal and objective identification and writing information:
Website Name
Site Web Address / Document
Robert F. Mager

Process for Developing CEO Goals
To begin developing your CEO goals, you will follow the process listed below.

 Reflect on the "Self-Assessment Questionnaire" completed in Lesson 1.

  • Identify the areas (content/strategy/leadership) in which you want to focus professional development time and energy.
  • Reflect on the teacher and school needs identified in Lesson 2 and how areas for professional growth could support specific identified needs.
  • Reflect on the vision for the CEO Plan and consider what types of goals would support that vision.
  • Recognize how Goals 1 and 2 (content and strategy goals) will focus on Instructional Content and Instructional Strategies, respectively.
  • Reflect on which of the pertinent curriculum standards addressed above correspond to the goals.
  • Recognize how Goal 3 (leadership goal) will focus on Leadership Skills.
  • Identify the three components of each CEO goal as shown on the CEO Goals Template.

Tips for Writing Goals

  • Write project goals, not short-range instructional goals
  • Remember that goals are the long-range benefits sought.
  • Include good goal language terms such as "to increase", "to decrease," or "to improve."
  • Structure purposefully broad goals.
  • Address compelling academic need or evident problem areas with goals.
  • Align goals tightly with the appropriate standards. 

The CEO Goals Template helps you document and organize the goals you have identified for each of the three CEO areas. You will share the first draft of the template with your coach as an assignment for this lesson and revise as needed for the remainder of this online course. The final goals provided in the template will be included in your CEO Plan.

Lesson 3 Assignment: Part A
Sample Goal Template: The link below provides samples of a goal template that is used to document and organize your goals for each of the three CEO areas. 

Completed Goals Template Sample

Assignment Instructions: Click the CEO Goals Template link below to access this template. It is in a Microsoft Word format. Once the template is open, save it to your computer hard drive (usually the C drive) so you can work directly from the template  

CEO Goals Template

Now that your Goal Templates are complete, attach your completed Goal Templates to an e-mail and send it to your coach for review.

Last modified: Monday, June 25, 2018, 2:58 PM