1.3 Developing a CEO Vision, Assignment B

Continuing Education Option
Developing a CEO Vision
CEO Plan Vision Assignment B, Lesson 1. Section 3

Developing a Vision for the CEO Plan

The CEO vision should serve as an introduction to your CEO Plan. Once your vision is in place, you will use it to set the climate for change to be made in the classroom.  

Your vision should be based upon reflective practice, contemplating your own professional needs and aligning them to the needs of the school and students.  To craft this vision you will need a mental image of the final outcome.  How your students will perform based upon the scope of your vision should guide its development.

These suggestions will help guide you through the development of your vision:

  •  Provide a motivational statement in the first paragraph of your vision statement.
  •  Focus on best possible outcomes.
  •  Create a vision statement that will be timeless, inspirational, and motivational.
  •  Expand expectations.

Completion of the CEO Self-Assessment Questionnaire was the first step in developing a sound vision.  In your reflective journal document feedback you received from peers concerning your vision.

John Maxwell says it best, “Great vision precedes great achievement.” Maxwell (2001) 

As you work to develop your vision in assignment B below, you will use the identified growth needs (instructional content, instructional strategy, and leadership skill) which you may revise with additional information as Lesson 2 is developed. Remember, the CEO regulation requires continuing teacher growth over time that significantly impacts student learning. 

Lesson 1 Assignment: Part B  

CEO Plan Vision Sample: Click on CEO Vision Sample for an example.

Assignment Instructions: Click on CEO Vision Assignment to begin creating your CEO vision.

Last modified: Monday, June 4, 2018, 9:53 AM