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Policies and Procedures

9. Procedure: Accreditation of Preparation Programs

  • Approved November 8, 1999
  • Amended August 26, 2002

Pursuant to KRS 161.028, the Education Professional Standards Board (hereinafter "the Board") is required to approve and evaluate college and university programs for the preparation of teachers and other professional school personnel. The Board has adopted and implemented this accreditation process through 16 KAR 5:010. The Board interprets its responsibility under the statute and regulation to apply to all teacher preparation programs operating in Kentucky regardless of the geographical location of the parent institution. This interpretation corresponds with the licensure policy of the Council on Postsecondary Education (hereinafter "CPE").

The CPE’s licensure policy for "nonpublic" colleges is governed by KRS 164.945 to 164.947. The definition of "college" under this statute range includes those "private colleges located outside of Kentucky but which operate in Kentucky, and public colleges located outside of Kentucky but which operate in Kentucky." The CPE has promulgated administrative regulation 13 KAR 1:020, Licensing of private colleges, to implement the requirements of these statutes. This regulation sets forth the following general requirements:

  1. A college that offers courses or conducts academic programs in Kentucky shall be licensed.
  2. An out-of-state college shall be licensed separately for each instructional site in Kentucky.
  3. A college that awards a diploma, associate degree, baccalaureate degree, master’s degree, doctoral degree, or other degree, whether the degree is earned or honorary, shall be licensed. If a college’s program also is required to be licensed or approved by another state agency as well as the Council on Postsecondary Education, the executive director shall attempt to coordinate the licensing function with that agency.

(Note: It has been the stated and applied policy of the CPE that it will not approve a teacher education program that has not first been approved by the Board.)

Accordingly, the Board interprets the language in 16 KAR 5:010(2) requiring accreditation of all "Kentucky Institution(s)" as "a condition of offering a teacher licensure or certification program or a program leading to rank change" to include all teacher preparation programs operating in Kentucky that require licensure by the CPE.